Community Wishlist/Wishes/Autogenerated documentation of popular SPARQL Queries
SPARQL Documentation is lacking and very manual process to maintain. If there are some evergreen/approved example queries, it should be possible to generate documentation that is available in many more languages than is currently available right now. It would be sustainable as long as SPARQL query/syntaxt doesn't change too much, and Wikidata properties, labels labels themselves are stable.
For example I received this query and would like to enclose it as an example of how to search for Wikidata that have sitelinks (corresponding Wikipedia articles) which documentation is lacking in English Wikipedia and presumably other translated editions. Instead of spending effort on documentation, the effort can shift to categorizing/finding different queries that are reflective of use cases Quary writers might want. And they would be translated into whatever languages desired. Devart is a commercial tool that auto-generates documentation for SQL queries. Why not same for Wikidata?
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Type of wish
Feature request
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Affected users
Newbie but also Wikidata users, researchers and people looking to explore data