Community Wishlist/Wishes/Cargos Disponíveis para editores de peso, e não editores de quantidade

High positions available for heavyweight editors, not quantity editors Archived

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Hi - I am archiving this wish as it relates to a policy matter that is determined by each wiki. Thank you - User:JWheeler-WMF

It would be better if the wikipedia system in the area of positions were more flexible to those who make important edits to wikipedia, for example, have a minimum amount of edits to become extended autoconfirmed, and then, there is a confirmed who makes few edits, but heavy edits, and has an editor who makes many edits,  But being only light edits, such as hyperlinks, and then this can cause editors who don't know much about Wikipedia to have high positions, and editors who know a lot about wikipedia have positions of lesser importance.

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Type of wish

System change


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