Community Wishlist/Wishes/Edit tags for new (or remove) disambiguation-page

Edit tags for new (or remove) disambiguation-page Submitted

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Many articles are created and deleted in Wikipedia everyday. Some of new articles are worthy of praise, and others are developping. Revewers / Patrollers request speedy delete to bad areticles, and recommend good article to en:Wikipedia:Did you know. For developping articles, we correct content or revise the style.

We can find created pages in Special:NewPages, and deleted pages in Special:Log/delete. But article creations / delections are not only page creation / delection. Changings a redirect to non-redirect or turnings existing article into a redirect are virtually article creations / delections. Some of these edittings are good, and others are inappropriate and should been reverted. We can find such editting using Edit tags of “mw-removed-redirect” and “mw-new-redirect”.

And don’t forget about disambiguation-pages. Disambiguation-pages should not be counted as main articles. So changings existing article to a disambiguation-pages are notable edittings, and vice versa. Edit tags to track suck editting are needed. I think this is possible through Extending mw:Extension:Disambiguator.

Assigned focus area


Type of wish

Feature request


Affected users

Revewer for new articles, Patroller for vandalism

Other details

  • Created: 02:37, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
  • Last updated: 02:37, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
  • Author: FlatLanguage (talk)