Community Wishlist/Wishes/Gender marking in job titles tool

Gender marking in job titles tool Archived

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Note from User:JWheeler-WMF : This wish is too specific and localized to a single Wiki (Ru) to be actionable, however it could also be interpreted that there are additional needs to better translate or edit content based on gender, grammar, etc across multiple Wikis.

In the Russian language (and not only on it), some words vary by gender, especially job titles. While using the masculine form when referring to women is considered neutral, it diminishes women's visibility in language.

Some feminized job titles (феминитивы) are deemed unacceptable in casual or slang language, but there's a list of so-called feminized job titles (словарные феминитивы), we have consensus to use them, people just don't care about it. I would like to request a tool on the Toolforge that identifies articles about women containing masculine forms and suggests corrections with a button click.

An example: Мария Иванова - русский поэт и художник XX века --> Мария Иванова - русская поэтесса и художница XX века.

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Type of wish

Feature request


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  • Created: 09:05, 16 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Last updated: 18:46, 22 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Author: Lvova (talk)