Community Wishlist/Wishes/Improving community experience with politeness scores/en

Improving community experience with politeness scores Open

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There's a lot of evidence from behavioral economics that telling people how they compare to others on a measure leads to better behavior. For example, telling people they use more energy than their neighbors usually decreases the amount of electricity they use.

I'd like to suggest a small set of nudges to help make users friendlier and improve the editing experience for the community:

  1. Create a "politeness index" that takes some off-the-shelf machine learning tools for sentiment analysis and estimates how helpful, friendly, and polite a user's edit summaries and talk page posts are.
  2. Provide positive feedback (e.g. automated thank-you messages) for helpful users.
  3. Publicly display a badge on profiles of users who exhibit positive behaviors.

This tool would also be helpful for admins, who could use very low scores to identify potential problem users who need further review, and would likely be brought up and considered in conversations surrounding requests for adminship.

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Feature request

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