Community Wishlist/Wishes/Make Navigation Box visible on Mobile Wikipedia for both readers and editors

Make Navigation Box visible on Mobile Wikipedia for both readers and editors Open

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When a Desktop user adds/created a Navbox template on a Wikipedia article, it is not visible to Mobile readers. Even more concerning, a Mobile editor would not see it in either source or Visual Editor mode.

In the relevant Phab ticket below, there are UX consideration when there's a large Navbox with 100+ links. At the same time, itself largely works on mobile devices, but does not show said Templates.

This makes finding related articles more difficult for users. When there is an "External links" section, with nothing but a Navbox, to a mobile editor it looks like an empty section that can be removed entirely.

It is a longstanding problem that Mobile and Desktop experience converge. A fresh look at the performance and UI consideration would be helpful.

Assigned focus area


Type of wish

Bug fix


Affected users

Mobile users 

Phabricator tasks


Other details

  • Created: 11:39, 10 August 2024 (UTC)
  • Last updated: 22:17, 21 August 2024 (UTC)
  • Author: Shushugah (talk)