Community Wishlist/Wishes/Visa innehållsförteckningen när man redigerar i VisualEditor med Vector 2022/en

View the table of contents when editing in VisualEditor with Vector 2022 Open

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When you're editing an entire article or tweaking a little bit here and there in an article, it would be good if the interface showed the table of contents when you're Editing in VisualEditor with Vector 2022.

Assigned focus area


Type of wish

System change

All projects

Vector 2022

Affected users

Users of Vector 2022 and VisualEditor

Other details

  • Created: 23:21, 16 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Last updated: 19:50, 17 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Author: Sabelöga (talk)