Community Wishlist/Wishes/Wikidata: Enable the "class" and "relation" parameters on more constraint types/fr

Wikidata: Enable the class and relation parameters on more constraint types Open

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Problem: Some extremely useful constraints cannot currently be created. Where a workaround is feasible, it results in large, difficult-to-maintain, and often incomplete constraints (examples below).

Proposed solution: Add support for the parameters classe (P2308) and relation (P2309) to the none-of, item-requires-statement, and conflicts-with constraint types, to specify classes that property values may or may not belong to.

These parameters are already supported by subject-type and value-type constraints.

Or alternately, create three new constraint types with this functionality.

More details: These three constraint types support allowing or disallowing specific property values using élément (P2305), but they do not support allowing or disallowing classes of values.

This leads to 1) the creation of large, difficult-to-maintain, and often incomplete constraints (examples 1-3 below) that attempt to list every applicable property value, and 2) the absence of useful constraints when the values are just too numerous to list (example 4).

L'effet de la solution sera de permettre nativement les trois formes de contrainte en vert en bas à droite de ce tableau :

...un de ces éléments, utilisez : ...un membre ou une sous-classe de ces classes, utilisez :
Si la valeur de la déclaration... devrait être... one-of value-type
ne devrait pas être... none-of none-of w/class+relation
Si la valeur d'une autre déclaration sur l'élément... devrait être... item-requires-statement item-requires-statement w/class+relation
ne devrait pas être... conflicts-with conflicts-with w/class+relation

Exemples :

  1. This none-of constraint has 33 values of "item of property constraint", which are meant to include all recurring events, but are certainly not exhaustive. Instead, these could all be replaced with classe (P2308) = événement périodique (Q15275719), relation (P2309) = instance ou sous-classe de (Q30208840), which would be exhaustive. This query gives more constraints that may be candidates for this sort of simplification.
  2. This item-requires-statement constraint has 39 values of "item of property constraint", which are meant to include all filmmaking occupations, but are likely not exhaustive. Instead, these entries could be replaced with classe (P2308) = métier du cinéma (Q4220920), relation (P2309) = nature de l'élément (Q21503252), which would be exhaustive. This query gives more such constraints.
  3. This conflicts-with constraint has 27 values of "item of property constraint", which are meant to include all types of crime, but are likely not exhaustive. Instead, these could all be replaced with classe (P2308) = crime (Q83267), relation (P2309) = sous-classe de (Q21514624), which would be exhaustive. This query gives more such constraints.
  4. (new constraint): The value of nature de l’élément (P31) should not be a taxon (Q16521). (If the item is an organisme individuel (Q110224119), it should use taxon dont relève le spécimen (P10241); if the item is a taxon, it should use taxon supérieur (P171).) As of writing, 18,080 items violated this rule: (query). Obviously, we can't list all taxons in a constraint. Under the proposal, this rule could be expressed with a none-of constraint on nature de l’élément (P31), with classe (P2308) = taxon (Q16521) and relation (P2309) = nature de l'élément (Q21503252).

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Wikidata users and editors 

Tâches Phabricator

T293487, T347628

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  • créé : 18:32, 15 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Dernière mise à jour : 10:34, 14 septembre 2024 (UTC)
  • Auteur : Swpb (talk)