Community Wishlist/Wishes/Wiktionary Lang Tplates too general not discerning specific Langs Etyms on Destination Pages/en

Wiktionary Lang Tplates too general/not discerning specific Langs/Etyms on Destination Pages Open

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In Wiktionary, the template that shows language and forms the link - for example {{alt form|enm|laughter}}, it seems to link to the page rather than to a specific destination on the page for that language or etymological example, such that it always shows as blue on the page of origin and thus as having a "valid" link, even when that language or etymological example is not on the destination destination page and thus should be showing as red on the origin page. To overcome this problem, I used to create an old-fashioned style link that would go straight to the correct location via its correct language or etymological form on the destination page, but this negates the usefulness of the language templates and seems now to be frowned upon. Tut-tut, naughty me.

For me this has two main problems:

  1. It is absolutely showing erroneous information while it is claiming to "add" technical functionality regarding languages
  2. It is adding complexity to Wiki writing and thus limiting who might be writing Wikis, which for me is utterly against what Wikipedia and its associated pages like Wiktionary are about.

As an aside to this, I would also like to suggest that Wikipedia has a much better pool of help instructions for would-be content creators to look at if it is determined to keep going down the route of making Wikipedia et al articles more complex and technical - which for the most part I am definitely against. Wikipedia has become what it now is through the efforts of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, and it feels to me now that this adding of technical complexity to contents creation is a way of shutting out people and making it more elitist now that the bulk creativity period is over, which for me is utterly wrong and a rather sinister slide into becoming a potent tool for creating disinformation and propaganda, which seems to be all the rage in the political world and mass media these days. I do hope I am wrong about this, but...

Anyhows, the language template functionality and overall usefulness definitely needs rethinking - it might need minor tweak, or it might just need scrapping. I guess it is somewhere between Bug Report and System Change as asked below.

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Type of wish

Bug fix

All projects

Affected users

Wiktionary pages

Other details

  • Created: 13:12, 28 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Last updated: 17:33, 9 August 2024 (UTC)
  • Author: Nobbo69 (talk)