Community Wishlist Survey 2017/Search/Search page: integrated "incategory" functionality

Search page: integrated "incategory" functionality

  • Problem: The search by keywords has some hidden filters. An example is "incategory", which gives results for pages that are included in that category.
For example,
incategory:"Australian male film actors" incategory:"1983 births"
returns a list of Australian male film actors born in 1983.
I think that the search page should have this filter integrated into the interface, to make it easier to find and use. Also, the filter should have more options to make it more powerful.
  • Who would benefit: Editors and readers alike.
  • Proposed solution: The search page should have a section with options to add and remove categories to the filter.
Also, each category in the filter list should have an option "include subcategories".
For example,
Canadian men's basketball players (don't include subcategories)
1980s births (include subcategories)
would return a list of Canadian men's basketball players born in the 1980s (who are in the included subcategories of "1980s births"), but not wheelchair basketball p[layers (who are in an excluded subcategory of "Canadian men's basketball players").
  • More comments:



I think this would be helped by the work being done on Advanced Search. deb (talk) 21:29, 21 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Once upon a time I made a gadget for this - . Bawolff (talk) 23:22, 28 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

