Community Wishlist Survey 2017/Wikidata/Semi-automatic description generation

Semi-automatic description generation

  • Problem: Currently, many descriptions created by bots can be derived and introduced logically, by using P31 and other properties (e.g. "Wikimedia disambiguation page", "Wikimedia category", "scientific journal", "scientific journal article", "species of animal", "protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens", etc.). In many case, once bots have created descriptions, the items escape the control of bots, so now it is very troublesome to add a translation in the new language to all of the existing items, or to delete descriptions in all languages when they are logically wrong.
  • Who would benefit: All editors, especially using minor languages.
  • Proposed solution: Triggered by the creation or updating of P31 (and other utilized properties) claim, database system generates the default description according to the centrally managed manually defined patterns, for each language. If the description is empty, system shows the default description. If a pattern for the corresponding language is undefined, system shows nothing.
  • More comments: With this new function, descriptions in Wikidata will be easily maintainable.
  • Phabricator tickets:



