Community Wishlist Survey 2017/Wikisource/Offer PDF export of original pagination of entire books

Offer PDF export of original pagination of entire books

  • Problem: Presently PDF conversion of proofread wikisource books doesn't mirrors original pagination and page design of original edition, since it comes from ns0 transclusion.
  • Who would benefit: Offline readers.
  • Proposed solution: To build an alternative PDF coming from conversion, page for page, of nsPage namespace.
  • More comments: Some wikisource contributors think that nsIndex and nsPage are simply "transcription tools"; I think that they are much more - they are the true digitalization of a edition, while ns0 transclusioni is something like a new edition.


@Samwilson: Yes, perfect, thank you! --Alex brollo (talk) 07:49, 22 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

