Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Do not follow sitelink redirects when redirect badge is used

  • Problem:
    The red arrow points to the intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304) badge. The green arrow points to the badge selector icon which can be used to add badges.
    Sitelinks to redirects that appear as a result of a Wikimedia page being converted into a redirect page in the corresponding Wikimedia project should be tagged with the sitelink to redirect (Q70893996) badge. When intentionally adding a new sitelink to a redirect on Wikidata, the redirect should be tagged with the badge intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304). Usage of both badges is accessible via WDQS.

    A review of unbadged redirect sitelinks and sitelinks with the sitelink to redirect (Q70893996) badge, but without the intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304) badge allows a removal of invalid redirect sitelinks or an upgrade to the intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304) badge in case the redirect sitelink is valid and should be kept permanently.

    Currently, redirect pages on Wikimedia projects can still not be connected to Wikidata items as sitelinks. As long as the technical possibility of adding Wikidata items directly is not implemented it is required to use a workaround as follows (please mind that this workaround is controversial in some projects and may lead to complaints):

  1. The user has to first make an edit at the Wikimedia project that deactivates the redirect (e.g. by removing the hash symbol from #REDIRECT to REDIRECT)
  2. The sitelink can now be added to the Wikidata item, including the desired redirect badge; this cannot be done when the page is an active redirect page
  3. Finally, the deactivated redirect page has to be activated again by undoing the edit from step 1.
  • Proposed solution: We want to allow sitelinks to redirects but only under certain conditions. In detail this means:

    The default behavior always tries to normalize sitelinks (following redirects) and thus these sitelinks are rejected in cases where the target of the redirect is already a sitelink. A sitelink to a redirected pages can be added to an Item if and only if a redirect badge (sitelink to redirect - sitelink to redirect (Q70893996), intentional sitelink to redirect - intentional sitelink to redirect (Q70894304)) is added in the same edit. Adding a redirect badge to an existing redirect sitelink should be possible. Removing a redirect badge from a sitelink that points to a redirected page should be disallowed.

  • Who would benefit: All users who work with connecting Wikipedia pages to Wikidata items
  • More comments:
  • Phabricator tickets: phab:T278962
  • Proposer: Heanor (talk) 20:49, 10 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]


Some history of this topic:
I think we need this final step to start linking redirects properly. — putnik 22:54, 10 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Just unlock the save button when any extant mainspace title is in the input box, without checking whether it is a redirect. It got 65 votes last year, we've been asking for it since 2015, and implementation seems as trivial as these things can get given the need for proper testing. Certes (talk) 18:54, 11 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
(this is not a vote, but primarily an alternative proposal about the "how") Support with modifications. Discard the badges at wikidata and use magic tag __VALIDREDIRECT__ on the linked wiki page instead. Let wikidata autodetect "redirect to page" vs "redirect to section" and display appropriate icon, and autodetect the presence of __VALIDREDIRECT__ and other details with a tri-state verdict
  • "intentional redirect" (__VALIDREDIRECT__ present, target of redirect linked to wikidata)
  • "dubious redirect" (redirect but magic tag missing)
  • "misuse of VALIDREDIRECT" (target of the redirect is an empty page, or a redirect, or a page (not section) not linked to wikidata).
Make it as simple as possible. The originally intended solution with 2 independent badges allows for a large number of dubious states. Taylor 49 (talk) 21:40, 14 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
There's actually already an outline on how this should work, so I doubt that the development team would consider alternatives to it (provided that it ever addresses this issue). --Nw520 (talk) 18:04, 15 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Honestly, I'm dumbfounded that this hasn't been implemented yet. It took a full 7 months to receive any response from Wikidata's PO to a volunteer's patch that would've resolved this issue. At this point the community shouldn't even have to ask for addressing of this issue. --Nw520 (talk) 18:04, 15 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
