استبيان قائمة أمنيات المجتمع 2023/النتائج/ويكاموس
هذه هي نتائج استبيان قائمة أمنيات المجتمع لتصنيف ويكاموس – شكرا لكل من شارك هذا العام!
المرتبة | الاقتراح | طلبات الدعم التقني | |||
١ | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Wiktionary/Different alphabetical sortings according to languages|Different alphabetical sortings according to languages]] | ٧٥ | ٠ | ٠ | T30397 |
٢ | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Wiktionary/Insert attestation using Wikisource as a corpus|Insert attestation using Wikisource as a corpus]] | ٤٠ | ٠ | ٠ | T139152، T157802 |
٣ | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Wiktionary/Display definitions from Wikisource dictionaries|Display definitions from Wikisource dictionaries]] | ٣٣ | ٠ | ٠ | T240191 |
٤ | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Wiktionary/Allow users to emphasise languages when looking up words.|Allow users to emphasise languages when looking up words.]] | ٣٠ | ٠ | ٠ | |
٥ | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Wiktionary/Something like Extension:Variables to simplify template calls|Something like Extension:Variables to simplify template calls]] | ٢٦ | ٠ | ٠ | مهمة ذات صلة |
٦ | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Wiktionary/Add LUA function to read out previous section heading|Add LUA function to read out previous section heading]] | ١٩ | ٠ | ٠ |