Conference climatic Justice Peru 2024/Headquarters

This page is a translated version of the page Conferencia Justicia climática Perú 2024/Guía and the translation is 100% complete.

The Conference proposes the exchange, the reflection and the mutual recognition go in:

  • People organisers, voluntary and creators of content that form part of the movement Wikimedia of Latin American countries that look for to reduce the brechas of knowledge and representation related with the climatic and environmental crisis, the native perspectives and the epistemic justice.
  • Representatives of communities, public institutions, educational institutions and of investigation, communities originarias and organisations that use or are interested in using the projects Wikimedia to reduce the brechas and inequidades of existent information on the climatic and environmental crisis, the native perspectives and the epistemic justice in our region.
Weaving Networks of Knowledge in Latin America: Conference on Climate Justice, Indigenous Voices, and Wikimedia Platforms
Conference on Climate Justice, Indigenous Voices, and Wikimedia Platforms
Huaraz, Peru
November 8-10, 2024

How to participate?

Afterwards of the term of application of scholarships, will open the registration for those people interested in taking part.

Scholarship applications open!

Full scholarship

For regional participants. It includes the transfer to Huaraz from his place of origin, the stay, diet, sure doctor limited and local mobility in Huaraz. The announcement ended up on 7 July 2024 to the 23:59 hours UTC-5.

Partial scholarship

For national participants. It includes the stay, diet, sure doctor limited and local mobility in Huaraz. Early it will open the term of application.

Call for Proposals

The announcement to present proposals of program ended up on 16 July 2024 to the 23:59 hours UTC-5.

Friendly Space Policies

  1. Take that the civismo and the good faith are fundamental principles of the movement Wikimedia, WikiAcción Peru expects that all the people participants respect the Politics of amicable spaces of Wikimedia, as well as the Code of Universal Behaviour during all the activities of the Conference.

In case that some participant infrinja the politics of amicable spaces or cause other problems, please head to any one of the members of the Squad of Convivencia of the Conference that will be identified with a special sign during all the event.