wiki-templates | wm_community_fund_renewal_v1 | conditions | | General Support Fund (2023-24) |
metasync_template | GSF-RN v1 |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application templates/Wikimedia Community Fund Renewal v1 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/General_Support_Fund/{project_title}_(renewal_in_2024-25) |
file_labels | Risk Assessment, Annual Plan, Strategic Plan, Budget, Other public document, Staffing plan or organogram, Timeline, Risk Register |
wm_community_fund_gs_v4 | conditions | | General Support Fund (2023-24) |
spending_year | 2025 |
metasync_template | GSF v4 |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application templates/Wikimedia Community Fund v4 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/{project_title} |
file_labels | Risk Assessment, Strategic Plan, Annual Plan, Budget, Other public document, Staffing plan or organogram, Timeline, Risk Register, Multi-year funding, Year 2 - Budget, Year 2 - Annual Plan, Year 2 - Other public document, Year 3 - Budget, Year 3 - Annual Plan, Year 3 - Other public document |
wm_community_fund_gs_v3 | conditions | | General Support Fund (2023-24) |
metasync_template | GSF v3 |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application templates/Wikimedia Community Fund v3 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund/{project_title} |
file_labels | Risk Assessment, Strategic Plan, Budget, Other public document, Staffing plan or organogram, Timeline, Risk Register, Multi-year funding, Year 2 - Budget, Year 2 - Annual Plan, Year 2 - Other public document, Year 3 - Budget, Year 3 - Annual Plan, Year 3 - Other public document |
wm_community_fund_rapid_v2 | conditions | include | | Rapid Fund |
exclude | |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application_templates/Rapid_Fund_v2 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/Rapid_Fund/{project_title}_(ID:_{id}) |
file_labels | Budget, Timeline |
partnership_india_conference | conditions | | India - Conference Project |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application templates/India Conference Project |
title_mask | Community Resources and Partnerships/India Conference Project/{project_title} |
file_labels | Risk Assessment, Strategic Plan, Budget, Other public document, Staffing plan or organogram |
partnership_india_general_support | conditions | | India - General Support Project |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application templates/India General Support Project |
title_mask | Community Resources and Partnerships/India General Support Project/{project_title} |
file_labels | Risk Assessment, Strategic Plan, Annual Plan, Budget, Other public document, Staffing plan or organogram, Timeline, Risk Register |
partnership_india_rapid | conditions | | India - Rapid Project |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application templates/India Rapid Project |
title_mask | Community Resources and Partnerships/India Rapid Project/{project_title} |
file_labels | Budget, Timeline |
wm_community_fund_rapid | conditions | | Rapid Fund (2022-23) |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application_templates/Rapid_Fund |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/Rapid_Fund/{project_title_long}_(ID:_{id}) |
file_labels | Budget, Other public document |
wm_community_fund_gs | conditions | | General Support Fund (2020-23) |
metasync_template | GSF v1 |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application_templates/Wikimedia_Community_Fund |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/{project_title_long} |
file_labels | Risk Assessment, Strategic Plan, Budget, Other public document, Staffing plan or organogram, Timeline, Risk Register, Multi-year funding, Year 2 - Budget, Year 2 - Annual Plan, Year 2 - Other public document |
wm_community_fund_gs_2 | conditions | | General Support Fund (2020-23) |
metasync_template | GSF v2 |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application_templates/Wikimedia_Community_Fund_v2 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/{project_title_long} |
file_labels | Risk Assessment, Strategic Plan, Budget, Other public document, Staffing plan or organogram, Timeline, Risk Register, Multi-year funding, Year 2 - Budget, Year 2 - Annual Plan, Year 2 - Other public document, Year 3 - Budget, Year 3 - Annual Plan, Year 3 - Other public document |
wm_community_fund_conference | conditions | | Conference Fund |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application_templates/Conference_Fund |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Conference_Fund/{project_title_long} |
file_labels | Budget, Other public document |
wm_alliances_fund | conditions | | Alliances Fund (2021-23) |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application_templates/Wikimedia_Alliances_Fund |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Alliances Fund/{project_title_long} |
file_labels | Risk Assessment, Strategic Plan, Budget, Other public document, Staffing plan or organogram |
wm_alliances_fund_v2 | conditions | | Alliances Fund (2023-24) |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application_templates/Wikimedia_Alliances_Fund_v2 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Alliances Fund/{project_title} |
file_labels | Risk Assessment, Strategic Plan, Budget, Other public document, Staffing plan or organogram |
wm_hub_fund | conditions | | Hub Fund |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application_templates/Hub_Fund |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Hub Fund/{project_title} |
file_labels | Budget, Other public document, Theory of change, Strategic Plan, Timeline, Annual Plan |
wm_org_lab | conditions | | Organizer Lab |
entity_type | grant_request |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Application_templates/Organizer_Lab |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Organizer Lab/{project_title_long} |
file_labels | Budget, Other public document |
wm_alliances_community_report | conditions | | Final or yearly learning report (General Support and Alliances Funds) |
multiyear_fund | No |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Final_Report |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/{request_or_grant_ids.fund_category}/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title_long}/Final Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
wm_community_yearly_report | conditions | | Final or yearly learning report (General Support and Alliances Funds) |
multiyear_fund | Yes |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Yearly_Report |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/{request_or_grant_ids.fund_category}/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title_long}/Yearly Report ({multiyear_year}) |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
wm_alliances_community_midterm_report | conditions | | Midterm learning report (General Support and Alliances Funds) |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Midpoint_Report |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/{request_or_grant_ids.fund_category}/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title_long}/Midpoint Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
wm_rapid_report | conditions | | Rapid Fund Final Report (22-23) |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Rapid_Fund |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/Rapid_Fund/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title_long}_(ID:_{})/Final Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
wm_rapid_report_2 | conditions | | Rapid Fund Final Report |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Rapid_Fund_v2 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/Rapid_Fund/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title}_(ID:_{})/Final Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
wm_rapid_report_2_old | conditions | | Rapid Fund Final Report |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Rapid_Fund_v2 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/Rapid_Fund/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title_long}_(ID:_{})/Final Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
partnership_india_rapid_report | conditions | | India Rapid Project Final Report |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting templates/India Rapid Project |
title_mask | Community Resources and Partnerships/India Rapid Project/{project_title}/Final Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
test_report | conditions | | (test) Affiliate Report |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Test_report |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/{}/Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
wm_conference_report | conditions | | Conference Fund Final Report |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Conference_Fund |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/Conference_Fund/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title_long}/Final Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
wm_hub_report | conditions | | Hub Fund Final Report |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Hub_Fund |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Hub_Fund/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title}/Final Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document, Metrics document |
wm_gsf_report_old | conditions | | General Support Fund Final or yearly report |
multiyear_fund | No |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Final_Report_v2 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title_long}/Final Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
wm_gsf_report_my_old | conditions | | General Support Fund Final or yearly report |
multiyear_fund | Yes |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting templates/Yearly Report v2 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title_long}/Yearly Report ({multiyear_year}) |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
wm_gsf_report_v2 | conditions | | General Support Fund Final or yearly report |
multiyear_fund | No |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Final_Report_v2 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title}/Final Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
wm_gsf_report_my_v2 | conditions | | General Support Fund Final or yearly report |
multiyear_fund | Yes |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting templates/Yearly Report v2 |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title}/Yearly Report ({multiyear_year}) |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |
wm_ol_report | conditions | | Organizer Lab Final Report |
entity_type | request_report |
template_page | Grants:MetaSync/Reporting_templates/Organizer_Lab_Final_Report |
title_mask | Grants:Programs/Organizer Lab/{request_or_grant_ids.project_title_long}/Final_Report |
file_labels | Story or impact document, Resource document, Evaluation document, Financial report, Other public document |