Content Partnerships Hub/Needs assessment/Research results/Wikimedia Serbia

Notes from meeting with Викимедија Србије (Wikimedia Serbia). The first part of the answers are pre-written by WMRS, the second part are the notes taken during the meeting.

Date: 2021-09-20


Do you work with content partnerships today?

Within the GLAM program of Wikimedia Serbia, a large part of the activities comes down to releasing content and posting it on Wiki projects.So yes, we currently have projects that are focused on releasing content such as the project - Castles of Serbia, but we also have projects that have release of content as part of their activities. During these collaborations, we strive to release content of high quality and importance. In this way, cultural institutions are able to show what they have, to present their activities and content to a wider audience and in this way to attract potential visitors. Also, through the release of content, we educate employees about digitization, its importance, Wiki projects, editing, copyright and how our cooperation can contribute to increasing their visibility.

GLAM is one of three programs for the chapter. Doing a somewhat personalized approach, some WiR, images of Castles released to Commons. Collaborations vary from one project to another, looking into partners need before starting to work together.
Distance from the capital gives more feeling of owning material, while orgs should only be seen as keepers of material and release more to allow for the public to come and see, and after Corona, also see online. National museum and Gallery are sharing material online now, and are more successful in reaching out. Also working with theaters and other museums who are more specialized and not under ministry of culture. New government are working more to digitize material, but resources are lacking. Chapter are trusted, due to good previous work, to give info and work with institutions.Institutions reach out to the chapter to start projects. Some funding from institutions and some from the chapter. Agreements usually negotiated before work starts.
What is your normal work process in collaborations with partners?

There are several ways we approach institutions to achieve cooperation. The biggest difference is whether they have heard about Wikimedia Serbia, whether it is someone's recommendation, or they are meeting us for the first time. In case we are approaching a cultural institution for the first time, if we have not had any contact before, we will send them a detailed email who we are, what we do, the link to our website and project pages on Wikipedia. Also, we include an example of a cultural institution (from the same scope of activity) with which we have established cooperation and have had great results. By citing examples, we increase the chance of a positive outcome because institutions often tend to follow an already tried example, so innovators and those who want to take the first step are rare. If the cultural institution has heard about us and our activities, if it has received a recommendation for our projects, achieving cooperation is easier. We mainly organize a meeting, discuss the current state of activities, what our possibilities are and agree on the most suitable type of cooperation. When we agree on some kind of cooperation, we make sure to maintain continuous contact with them, check how activities are progressing, and potentially adjust them in accordance with the needs of the institution. At the end of the activity, we try to maintain contact in case some corrections are needed or if a new way of cooperation is indicated. In the past, we have achieved several dozen collaborations, numerous ways of cooperation, and adjustments that have made us ready for challenges.

There are several ways we approach institutions to achieve cooperation. The biggest difference is whether they have heard about Wikimedia Serbia, whether it is someone's recommendation, or they are meeting us for the first time.
In case we are approaching a cultural institution for the first time, if we have not had any contact before, we will send them a detailed email who we are, what we do, the link to our website and project pages on Wikipedia. Also, we include an example of a cultural institution (from the same scope of activity) with which we have established cooperation and have had great results. By citing examples, we increase the chance of a positive outcome because institutions often tend to follow an already tried example, so innovators and those who want to take the first step are rare.
If the cultural institution has heard about us and our activities, if it has received a recommendation for our projects, achieving cooperation is easier. We mainly organize a meeting, discuss the current state of activities, what our possibilities are and agree on the most suitable type of cooperation.
When we agree on some kind of cooperation, we make sure to maintain continuous contact with them, check how activities are progressing, and potentially adjust them in accordance with the needs of the institution.
At the end of the activity, we try to maintain contact in case some corrections are needed or if a new way of cooperation is indicated. In the past, we have achieved several dozen collaborations, numerous ways of cooperation, and adjustments that have made us ready for challenges.
Which are your partners and collaborations just now?

We are currently working on a project to release hundreds of photographs of Serbian castles and villas.These photos are very important because they show the current state of the facilities, there are often photos inside these facilities as well, which is rare to find because many institutions denied access to visitors. Also, the Wikipedian in residence project at the National Library of Pirot and negotiations on the release of a large number of photographs from Egypt are underway. Also, we expect the start of another Wikipedian in residence project with one theater soon, where we also expect significant photos of plays, festivals and literature for articles.

What are your desired content partnerships in the future?

We are continuously working on the promotion of our activities and we are trying to reach new partners. In accordance with our capacities and possibilities, we are currently preparing a Wikipedian in residence, which should start next month. We maintain contacts on current projects, we try to get a donation of photos from Egypt, we are contacting institutions and presenting our projects to them.

Society for Culture, Art and International Cooperation "Adligat", releasing many photos of Egypt. Continued activity with images of castles. New WiR at Theatre Dadov.
Are you having a work plan for new partners and collaborations?

We try to always have a Wikipedian in residence in the plan, and at least one in progress. In addition, we always follow important events, so that we can organize a thematic event. With mutual consultations and advice, we point out to each other the fields that could be better covered. Also, we regularly monitor the metrics we have achieved to see where our strengths are and where our weaknesses are. We cannot always stick strictly to the plan because it often happens that we get a recommendation or contact, which we should use. So we have a framework plan of what needs to be done and an insight into current activities, but it is difficult to stick to a strict plan because new opportunities and chances often appear suddenly, and we try to take advantage of them.

Some funds saved (events, traveling and conferences) during covid used to finance online activities. Usually the chapter does funding of the WiR while the institution can fund internet, equipment and other things. Not trying to “take” work opportunities from staff at the institutions.
What are your needs for a successful work with partners?

Good communication is the key. We can do everything if the communication is up-to-date and if there is a mutual will for the project to be successfully completed. Activity preparation is important. We try to ensure that the cultural institution has a large part of the material ready before the start of the project. In addition, in order to be able to digitize or release materials, equipment is needed: laptops, scanners, cameras.

Good communication is the best thing to have. Keeping partners updated and showing results. Starting projects and activities by sorting out copyright and licensing issues. Using some printed material to showcase projects and what has been done before. Getting institutions to talk to each other about what can be done.
What does the best support look like for a successful partnership?

In order for a partnership to be successful, it is necessary to present to them the benefits that they will have from the achieved cooperation. Communication should be open, up-to-date, regularly informing them about the achieved results and progress of the project. This epidemiological situation has shown us how flexible we need to be. We have to adapt to the current situation and harmonize the ways of working in order to increase safeness, but also in accordance with the working hours of the institution. So flexibility is one of the important factors for successful cooperation.

Funding for WiRs are in place now, but might be useful to increase in the future. Reconnecting with partners when institutions and organizations open up again. When events, traveling and other costs comes back to “normal” the funding need to come from somewhere else. Hardware is in place for digitizing and scanning material as it is now. Upload tools that are available are used and working fine, but if better tools would be available it would perhaps solve some problems. Knowledge overflow from one project can be used to train other volunteers and get them to grow and work better in coming projects.
Do you know of someone in your network who would be interested in this kind of collaboration too?

We have been recognized as experts in the field of digitization back in 2017 when our government’s top priority became preservation of cultural heritage, and they gave us their full support to gather all representatives of cultural institutions in Serbia, which we used in the best possible manner. Therefore, the institutions still turn to us for help, an idea, or cooperation, when they have a chance. We haven’t so far found any similar organization that puts its effort in digitization for the greater goal of free knowledge sharing, but we’d be happy to team up with NGOs who think alike for a bigger scope of results.

See also
