Create page after search not found

Step by step reproduction of current problem (without enhancement)

  1. Search for "harry styles".
  2. Try to edit (create) the article "harry styles".

There is no link on the page to do so.

Work around

  • Create a link to the new article in an existing page, then click the link and an edit page appears.




When a page is not found after a search, the resulting page should include a link to create the page.

For an example, see the wikipedia "no go" search results message.



"traditionally wikis are an exploratory medium; you find pages through links from other pages or RecentChanges. creation of new pages is something that's to be done in context, by editing a page to create a link.

"orphan pages are thought of as a problem, and creating a contextless page from a search encourages orphan creation so at least to the old fogeys this maybe is less than ideal

"on the other hand, wikipedia's nature as a reference work puts more emphasis on search than traditional wikis, so maybe it's not totally inappropriate"

discussion from brion on #wikipedia (freenode)

See also
