This page is a translated version of the page Croatian Wikipedia and the translation is 58% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

A Horvát Wikipédia (rövidítve hr-WP) a Wikipédia horvát nyelvű változata.

Tények és statisztikák

Alapítás: 2003. február 16.

Alapítók: ???

Szócikkek száma: 225 157 szócikk

Szerkesztések száma: 7 123 396

Aktív regisztrált felhasználók száma: 467 az elmúlt hónapban


Croatian Wikipedia is generally regarded by the rest of the Wikimedia Movement as having significant neutrality issues, resulting from the capture of the project by politically-motivated editors who have driven out or blocked others,[1], but also more elegantly supressed liberal content and hyper-presented conservative nationalist and catholic.[2][3] Gizmodo describes its bias as "promoting fascism, whitewashing World War II concentration camps, as well as anti-Serbian and anti-LGBT propaganda".[4]

As of start of 2021, the situation is slowly improving, though it is still periodically mentioned in the media as a bad example.[5]


  • * Horvátországgal kapcsolatos témák
    • Coverage of Christian and especially Catholic content
    • Coverage of football/soccer (and somewhat other sports) up to very low level leagues and players


  • * Vitatott politikai témák
    • Lack of diversity among contributors
    • Lack of updates on many pages from first decade and lack of criteria and regulations for many topics
    • Lack of coverage of modern and contemporary culture, civil society, women, as well as minorities and human rights[6]



  • Semlegesség elérése a feltöltött politikai témákban
  • Az adminisztrátori visszaélések megakadályozása


Történelem és hatás


Kiemelkedő wikipédisták
