ESEAP Conference 2018/Friendly space policy

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Wikimedia Indonesia Association ("Wikimedia Indonesia"), domiciled and headquartered in Central Jakarta Municipality, is obligated under the terms of its grant agreement with the Wikimedia Foundation ("Foundation") to have a friendly space policy for all its events, including the Wikimedia ESEAP Conference 2018 ("conference"), and to also enforce the Foundation's Event Ban policy.
editThe purpose of this policy is to ensure a safe and welcoming environment at the conference that is free of harassment, abuse, discrimination and other forms of unwelcome behaviour. Wikimedia Indonesia is involved in the creation, promotion and sharing of open knowledge in society, and is committed to providing a friendly experience for everyone involved, regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, appearance, race or religion. Wikimedia Indonesia, its governors, staff and conference organizers have the authority and the means to implement the terms of this policy.
editThe conference is open to anyone who is able to help Wikimedia Indonesia achieve our objectives as laid out in our statutes. We expect all participants to show civility, and for volunteers and staff to be treated with courtesy. Event organisers, lead trainers, and other staff and volunteers at the conference are expected to take particular care that their behaviour is welcoming and inclusive. Disruptive or discriminatory behaviour which prevents others from participating at the conference is not acceptable, and will be dealt with promptly and firmly. Participants asked to stop any harassment or other unwelcome behaviour are expected to comply immediately. In case they do not cease, further corrective action will be taken against them.
Prohibited behaviour
editHarassment, abusive and discriminatory behaviour may include, but is not limited to:
- Offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, political affiliation or religion.
- Deliberate intimidation, stalking, unwelcome following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or programs, unwelcome or violent physical contact; or any other verbal or physical conduct intended to threaten, coerce or intimidate.
- Non-contextual display of sexual imagery, or content that is otherwise offensive or distressing without adequate prior notice, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
Participants asked to stop such behaviour are expected to comply immediately.
Potentially offensive content
editAny images and/or audiovisual media that may be offensive or disturbing may not be displayed at a conference, except in cases where the content is directly related to the conference programme, and is presented with due care in an appropriate context. In such cases, participants must be clearly informed in advance about the presence of such content in the programme or presentation. Such media or content may include (but is not limited to): nudity, violence, medical imagery.
In practice, all presentations need to be reviewed and approved by the conference Organizing Committee. In its review, the Organizing Committee should seek the opinions of the board of governors of Wikimedia Indonesia, and as appropriate, from third parties such as the management of the venue. Prior to the commencement of the programme, an announcement must be made to all participants so that individuals who do not wish to view the content may have sufficient time to exit the presentation hall or room.
Corrective action
editEvents organized by Wikimedia Indonesia are managed by Wikimedia Indonesia staff and/or by volunteers. The support of all event participants is expected in the maintenance of the friendly space policy. If you experience harassment, or see others being harassed, or have other issues, please contact our staff members or event volunteers immediately. The Organizing Committee and teams can be identified by their badges.
In case the Organizing Committee is concerned about the behaviour of a person or persons, or receive a complaint from a participant or other guests, the committee may take action that is appropriate to the situation at that time. This may comprise a personal warning to the individual concerned asking them to change their behaviour; or in more serious cases, the Organizing Committee is empowered to ask the person to leave the venue. The event organizers may contact the hotel's security staff to provide escorts, or report to local law enforcement if needed, provide counselors, and assist the harassed individual(s) with their immediate needs.
Where an individual exhibits a pattern of unacceptable behaviour, or potential disrupt events or participate for reasons other than the advancement of the objectives of Wikimedia Indonesia, then the Organizing Committee may recommend to the board of governors of Wikimedia Indonesia to exclude the concerned individual from all future Wikimedia Indonesia activities for a period of time to be determined. Such exclusion will take effect pending a resolution of the board of governors. The Chairperson of Wikimedia Indonesia will be responsible for holding the list of excluded individuals and this information will be shared with event organizers to ensure compliance with this policy.