ESEAP Conference 2022/Report/1233

This is the ESEAP Conference Report for User:1233

Things that I have learnt from the conference

  1. Probably a few of the more previlaged people from a bilingual country/region, I do have no problems communicating in English. However, the working language in ESEAP, English, is not spoken by the majority, so it is definitely a challenge for a lot of participants to effectively communicate.
  2. I do have reconnected with a lot of peers, especially the lost connection of Hong Kong and Taiwanese participants, so it is definitely a very good expereince. I have also learnt from other regions of hosting events and connecting with local forces for good - but sadly it is much harder for these things to happen in Hong Kong.
  3. Communications with WMF staff on site is definitely better than doing them via Zoom or other channels.

Things participated in conference


Must say that I was basically not feeling well physically in conference - feeling unwell is a huge coincidence, but that is not the main points

  1. I do have communicated with others regarding various issues related to Hong Kong
  2. As a Hong Kong representative, I do have communicated with my Taiwanese counterparts, and also connected with others.
  3. I do have tried explaining the current situation in Hong Kong
  4. Trust and Safety related things.

People connected


I mainly connected with my Taiwanese Counterparts but also do have communicated with others. However, this connection mainly happened after and before the conference, especially the night after the conference ended.

Suggestions about the conference

  1. Don't make the conference at Australia - it's too far from population centers within the ESEAP region.
  2. More social times, extra breaks are recommended, and, at the same time, it is best to extend the conference time till 6pm so it can make up the lost times
  3. Great conference overall! However, the hotel coverage can (and should) cover 2+1 days, 2 days of main conference and an extra day related to travel - can either be day before or day after conference. It is too rigid and, if airline does not permit, may cause a lot of problems.
  4. Hosting conferences on academic institutions' premises do have extra benefit - eduroam can be used by student and academic staff participants.



Due to security concerns, I opted not to include any photos and request not to have pictures taken of.