ESEAP Hub/Interim Committee Meetings/30 April 2023

The ESEAP Hub Interim Committee had a second deep dive into the roles and responsibilities document after the 16th April workshop; looking at whether the key points of “What is ESEAP Hub“ from the previous discussion have been covered in the document, as well as whether all core functions have been mapped. In the second half of the meeting, the Interim Committee proceeded to make further edits and add further thoughts they have to the document. The Interim Committee also discussed their next steps regarding grants application as well as their focus for the next month.

Ongoing Work

The Interim Committee is currently working on the following things:

  • Co-drafting and incorporating edits to the roles and responsibilities document based on the consensus from the workshop and previous discussions.
  • Moving the draft declaration statement to Meta for wider community feedback.


  • By using the asynchronous decision-making method decided in the March meeting, the Committee changed their meeting threshold from supermajority to simple majority. The Committee also agreed to vote openly with their name when there is a need for decision-making asynchronously.
  • The Committee decided to work on the roles and responsibilities document internally for another two weeks to make space for further edits and comments asynchronously before the updated version is shared with the ESEAP community at the next community meeting on 14th May.
  • The Committee assigned two members to lead on the grant application forward and to proceed with a discussion with relevant staff at the Foundation.
  • The Committee will proceed with another discussion regarding the roles and responsibilities document once it receives further feedback from the wider community after the consultation starts.
  • The Committee will focus on planning for the election process in the next month.