EU policy/Argumentation

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Beware, some arguments are better than others!

The goal of this page is to gather useful arguments in the wider field of net politics. Mind that the thoughts gathered here are not exact quotations but approximative paraphrases. Refrain from word-by-word citations for own sake.

Paul Heald - Law Professor, University of Illinois
  • Shared knowledge is an invention of European culture. It produces creativity and innovation. Ownership does not.
Eben Moglen - Software Freedom Law Center, Columbia University
  • Aucune réforme sera possible sans reconnaître le partagement hors-marchand comme un droit culturel.
Phillippe Aigrain - Software Freedom Law Center, LQDN
  • Copyright is built around business models, as opposed to having it built around the interests of culture and authors.
  • Looking for sustainability and freedom results in finding free licences.
Partiece E. Schmitz, Lawyer advising the Commission and working on EUPL
  • Culture droit d'auteur vs. culture copyright
Valérie-Laure Benabou, Université de Versailles–Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Studies and Analyses

Evidence does not support claims of creative industry decline"
Talking about the 20. Century gap of the public domain and its cultural impact
We need at least a fair use system similar to the US
Poll on Effects of Oprhan Works Directive



Telco industry is not unlike natural gas industry. But it’s easier to break.

Jonas Smedegaard at Earth Connections Workshop by the Greens/EFA

Intellectual Freedom


For a Lobbying Presence


...when it comes to building relationships, there is no substitute for being present...

Kimberly Lovato

Citizens’ freedom depends on them realising how important political activism is.

Eben Moglen - Software Freedom Law Center, Columbia University



Using Free Software is like teaching yourself to eat organic food. McDonald’s is more convenient at first, but it has long-term negative effects. [could be paraphrased for FK]
