Edit Wikipedia Week/Maryland

Event planning page for Maryland's edit wikipedia week.



Wednesday December 5th, 2007 from 6 - 8pm with pizza at 7pm.



CSS Room 3330 [1] and Room 3332 [2]. 3330 has 21 dells and 3332 has 21 G5 macs. Moved from PG2 since the CSS lab is normally empty after 5pm and is reservable(closes at 10pm), whereas PG2 has people there all night.

To do


Reserve labs.
Reserve cart of mac laptops.
Make sure none of the computers are blocked from wikipedia.



Talks, then editing, food with more talks, then editing.



Pizza (of course), dominoes student deal large cheese for $3.99. Where to get money? TBD.

I'd like it if a few people (either from outside or inside Univ of MD) who have expertise with a certain project could come and give an overview of that project. You could either send me an e-mail (jsensene@umd.edu) or state your interests below. You can see we'll have multiple rooms, and can get more if necessary, so I could see having room for up to 6 speakers.

Planned talks


None yet.

We'll write name, location, time on flyers on November 29th, to post at 7pm on 3rd before exec.

To do


Probably send out info on November 25.



Honors listserv.
Scholars listserv.
Civicus listserv.
UM-LINUX listserv.
Enter information on FYI-L, make sure it gets put up at freestuff@Maryland.
Send to terpservice@umd.edu



Send to Section 85 listserv.
Find contact for Gallaudet.
Let UMBC, Johns Hopkins know.



Contact ACM, Wikipedia DC Meetup
Put on google calendar
Send Casey's release to Gazette, Diamondback, Washington Post
Contact Bill Dorland, Steve Rolstan

Draft diamondback (modify the poster on Edit_Wikipedia_Week) ad, in for 11/29, 11/30, 12/3, 12/4, 12/5 (pay with SGA funds)
make facebook event - done 03:09, 23 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Put on upcoming events on website. - done here: [3]. 05:25, 21 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Is a line item transfer of SGA advertising funds needed? Not sure if they were reserved for the 5K (or how much is left). Jussenadv 23:24, 20 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Not sure about SGA, try looking at STARS. 05:25, 21 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Find Kent Norman (psychology prof), Laura Quijano (grad TA, spanish), Anthony Colantuono (prof, archaeology and art history).
all from - [4]
Find more who have strong views for or against Wikipedia in class (check McKeldin).

Says Prof Norman:
"It creates new knowledge instead of the paper getting thrown in a file cabinet and thrown away after seven years," psychology associate professor Kent Norman said. "I have submitted articles to encyclopedias, but I am just one person. I've probably never written anything without a mistake; with Wikipedia, you can have 30 other experts editing your work."

Luara Quijano:
"We are trying to keep up with new technology and incorporate it whenever possible into our teaching," she said. "The technical aspect could be confusing but it's been very helpful for the writing process."

Prof Colantuono:
"Some authors are somebody who has had lifetime passion about a topic and has carefully gathered up the most commonplace knowledge," he said. "But people don't have the same resources to see if that information is accurate or not."
Colantuono added that he wouldn't assign any undergraduate students articles to post on the site because he felt that they would not have the resources or experience to write a page that would be completely accurate.



Write up press release, give to Justin.

Message for listservs


Put message to send to listservs here. Separate one for Theresa's groups.