EduWiki Conference 2025/Application text

EduWiki Conference 2025
Bogotá, Colombia
May 30 - June 1, 2025

Please fill out the application form to apply; the text here is provided so you can work on your answers in a separate document prior to submitting.

Application Form EduWiki Conference 2025


For more information, see

The Wikipedia & Education User Group and Wikimedia Colombia are excited to host the EduWiki Conference 2025 in Bogotá, Colombia. The conference will run from Friday, May 30, to Sunday, June 1, 2025.

Enter your email here; this will be used to send you a copy of your answers. We will also communicate the decision about your attendance via this email address!




This conference is a platform for shared experience from working in the Education space of Wikimedia. The conference welcomes education leaders in Wikimedia and mission aligned organizations. In order to facilitate meaningful participation from a diverse set of Wikimedia and education leaders worldwide, all interested prospective attendees will be required to apply for a spot for attendance. We welcome participation from three groups:

  • Self-funded travel: If your Wikimedia affiliate, educational institution, or personal financial situation enables you to pay for your own travel expenses, you can apply for a registration-only slot. We expect to have 30 slots available for this group.
  • Travel scholarships: If you will need a travel scholarship to attend, we have funding available to pay for hotel accommodation and flights for scholarship recipients. We will be offering both full and partial scholarships. We expect to have 60 slots available for this group.
  • Local participants: We will hold a handful of additional spots for participants from Colombia, our host country. Registration for these slots will be handled separately by Wikimedia Colombia.

Everyone who wants to attend via self-funded travel or a travel scholarship, including affiliate and WMF staff, must submit an application by November 17. We anticipate significant interest in the conference, so we encourage you to submit your application prior to the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.

Please use this form to apply to participate and submit your scholarship application. This is a large application form and to avoid losing your answers we recommend that you write down the responses in a word editor and copy them to the application form later. For your convenience you can find all the questions here, but fill out this form to apply. ARRANGEMENT FOR TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION All successful self-funded travel applicants will be responsible for booking and arranging travel to and from the conference by themselves.

The Wikimedia Foundation's Travel Team will arrange hotel accommodation and flights for travel scholarship recipients. The scholarship does not cover local travel costs to/from the airport. All scholarship recipients will arrive in Bogotá on Thursday, May 29, and depart on Monday, June 2. No additional personal travel is available.

More information about the Conference Venue and travel guide will be posted on Meta.


Visas to Colombia are not required for passport holders of 102 nationalities and territories. Please see the following PDF (Wikipedia) to find the information on the visa policy of Colombia. Wikimedia Colombia will assist you to secure your visa, but you must promptly apply once you've been notified of your acceptance to attend the conference. Please check your email in early December for confirmation, especially if you require a visa.


The yellow fever vaccine is required for travelers coming from Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Brazil, in order to enter Colombia. Please plan to receive this vaccine at least 10 days before travel if you do not already have it.

CONTENT OF APPLICATION FORM In this application form, you will be asked to fill in the following information:

  • Personal information
  • Questions on conference program
  • Conference attendance information
  • Scholarship information
  • Visa information
  • Agreement to policies

Personal Information


Given name:

Last name:

Wikimedia username:

Home wiki:

In which country/countries does your education work occur?

Which Wikimedia region do you affiliate with?

Wikimedia regions - World
  • Latin America & Caribbean
  • South Asia
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Central & Eastern Europe & Central Asia
  • Northern & Western Europe
  • Middle East & North Africa
  • East, Southeast Asia, & Pacific
  • North America

Affiliate/organization (if applicable):

In what language or languages are you a fluent speaker?

What is your age?
Under 18 [ ]
18-24 [ ]
25-34 [ ]
35-44 [ ]
45-54 [ ]
55-64 [ ]
65-74 [ ]
75-84 [ ]
85+ [ ]
I prefer not to say [ ]
What is your current gender identity? Please select all that apply.
Man [ ]
Woman [ ]
Trans male/Trans man [ ]
Trans female/Trans woman [ ]
Non-binary [ ]
Genderqueer [ ]
Different identity (please state) [ ]


I prefer not to say [ ]
In what ways do you participate in the Wikimedia movement? Please select all that apply.
I create, contribute, and/or edit content on at least one Wikimedia project (e.g., Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata, etc.) [ ]
I represent an affiliate [ ]
I organize Wikimedia projects, events, campaigns, or groups [ ]
I work for pay for the Wikimedia Foundation [ ]
I work for pay for another Wikimedia entity [ ]
I prefer not to say [ ]
Other: [ ]
In what year did you begin contributing to Wikimedia projects? ___________
Which of the following types of in-person events have you attended? Indicate the number of each you’ve attended (including virtually).
Wikimania [ ]
Wikimedia Summit (formerly known as Wikimedia Conference), the annual conference for Wikimedia affiliate organizations (chapters, thematic organizations, user groups) [ ]
International hackathons (Wikimania Hackathon or Wikimedia Hackathon) [ ]
Regional events, such as CEE Meeting, IberoConf, Wiki Indaba, WikiCon North America [ ]
National or local Wikimedia conferences such as Wikicamps, local hackathons, and local conferences hosted by Wikimedia affiliates [ ]
Local contributor meet-ups and events such as edit-a-thons or editing parties, photo tours and other volunteer-led initiatives in your area [ ]
Thematic events, such as EduWiki Conference, GLAM Wiki Conference, and Diversity Conference [ ]
Mission-aligned non-Wikimedia events, such as OER conference, CC Summit, or Mozfest [ ]
None of the above [ ]
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree I am not sure
I take pride in contributing to the Wikimedia projects. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
I feel like I belong in the Wikimedia movement. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Most Wikimedians are sincerely interested in supporting each other. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Most Wikimedians are committed to building long-term cooperative relationships. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
I feel like my work is recognized by other Wikimedians. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Conference Program


These questions are for applicants to demonstrate meeting any or several criteria for scholarship and conference participation. Your answers will help ensure we have the right mix of participants at the conference.

If your Education Program has a name, list it here:

Year you began education program activities:

Activities (check all that apply):

  • Wiki club
  • Wiki camp
  • Reading/evaluating Wikipedia training
  • Editing Wikipedia training
  • Translation
  • Research
  • Wikidata programs
  • Wikimedia Commons programs
  • Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom
  • Other Wikimedia project programs
  • Other:

Audience (check all that apply):

  • Primary school students
  • Secondary school students
  • Vocational/tertiary/higher education
  • Teachers
  • Senior citizens
  • Other:

What challenges have you faced in your education program work, and how have you overcome them?

What’s one thing you’ve done in your education work that you think others in the global education community could learn from?

Describe your participation in Wikipedia & Education User Group activities (e.g., mentorship program, writing for the Education newsletter, attending or presenting at an EduWiki Knowledge Showcase, etc.).

How do you see the Education program fitting into the overall Movement Strategy goals and the future of our movement?

What is one learning you hope to take away from your participation in the EduWiki Conference?

Why do you want to attend the EduWiki Conference?

Do you plan to submit a proposal to present at the conference? If so, what do you have in mind?

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience in Wikimedia and Education? This could be things like blog post links, Dashboard links, Education Newsletter articles, etc. to demonstrate your impact.

Application Type


There are three types of applications, covering a total of 100 participants:


This covers conference participation (including lunches and dinners), but participants will be expected to fund their own travel and accommodation expenses. A maximum of 30 of these slots will be awarded.


This scholarship is intended for volunteers who are not able to self-fund their travels. If an educational institution or Wikimedia affiliate organization could sponsor all or part of your travel costs, please do not select this option; it’s designed for those without other opportunities to attend. This scholarship covers participation, flight, and shared accommodation at the Conference hotel. A maximum of 60 of these scholarships will be awarded. The scholarships will be awarded based on the information given in this application form.


This scholarship is intended for participants who have the ability to fund some but not all of their travels. If a Wikimedia affiliate organization or educational institution, for example, has a small travel fund that could cover your flight but not your accommodation, please select this option. A maximum of 10 of these scholarships will be awarded. The scholarships will be awarded based on the information given in this application form.

Please indicate which application type you are submitting:

  • Application for conference participation only
  • Scholarship for conference participation, accommodation, and travel
  • Partial scholarship for conference participation, accommodation or travel

Scholarships Information


In order to accommodate as many scholarships as possible, scholarship recipients are expected to share a room with two beds with another scholarship recipient. If a medical or safety issue prevents you from sharing a room (not just a personal preference), please indicate it here.

Are you willing to share a room with someone?

  • Yes
  • No

If you are willing to share, do you know who you would like to share with? If you know other participants with whom you would like to share the room, please list them here. We will do our best to accommodate your request, however we can not guarantee that it will be fulfilled.

If you are not willing to share, please explain. Scholarships cover shared accommodation. If a medical or safety issue prevents you from sharing a room, please note it here.

Which airport are you requesting travel to and from?

Further comments regarding your travel requirements. If you are applying for a partial scholarship, note here whether you are applying for travel only or accommodation only, or some other option (e.g., your educational institution will pay up to a certain amount for your travel expenses and you're applying for a scholarship to cover the rest).

Visa Application


Please check the following PDF to find out whether you need a visa for traveling to Colombia:

Do you need a Visa?

  • Yes
  • No

Yellow Fever Vaccine: The yellow fever vaccine is required for travelers coming from Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Brazil, in order to enter Colombia. If you come from any of these countries, do you have the vaccine?

  • I already have received the yellow fever vaccine.
  • I have not received the yellow fever vaccine.
  • I am not from one of those four countries.

Agreement to policies


I agree to abide by the Wikimedia Foundation Universal Code of Conduct:

  • Yes

I agree to abide by Wikimedia Colombia's Protocol for Biosecurity During Events:

  • Yes

I agree to abide by Wikimedia Colombia's Friendly Space Policy:

  • Yes

Other information & feedback: If you have any comments regarding the application process or the conference itself, please feel free to comment. We appreciate your feedback.