Edukacja/Wiadomości/Sierpień 2022/Projekt Wikiteka w Polsce - czas wakacyjny

This page is a translated version of the page Education/News/August 2022/Wikiteka project in Poland - summertime and the translation is 60% complete.

Projekt Wikiteka w Polsce - czas wakacyjny

Streszczenie: WIKITEKA is a project within the Wiki-school program addressed to school libraries. Recognizing needs of school librarires, Eduactional Team of Wikimedia Polska has reached out to teachers-librarians and asked how they run their often small, underfunded spaces with time limits and vrey often frustration. While waiting for the results of the study (a poll of 400 questionnaires), we invited a group of school library employees for training days specially designed for them. Read what has happened in Katowice!
Uczestnicy nawiązują kontakty podczas sesji szkoleniowej.
Kanały mediów społecznościowych lub hasztagi: #wikiszkoła #wikiteka #edukacja #wikimediapolska #polskawikipedia

Training "Wikiteka. Summer holidays with Wikipedia" in Katowice was an important step in the WIKITEKA project run at Wikimedia Polska since this year. During 3 hot August days, a pilot group of school librarians from all over Poland worked under the supervision of trainers (Agnieszka Halicka, Aneta Szadziewska, Iwona Pietrzak-Płachta) and wikipedist-teacher Jacek Durski and the Educational Team at Wikimedia Polska represented by Wioletta Matusiak and Klara Sielicka-Baryłka.The program was very broad: ICT in education, Wikipedia in school, project work methods, brainstorming on the development and change of the school library. But the program also included: integration, exchange of experiences, sharing inspiring stories and problems, and planning further activities. There was also time for a visit to the CINiBA headquarters and an evening walk around Katowice with Piotr Fuglewicz, a Wikipedia editor, writer and well known engineer. WIKITEKA is a project within the Wiki-school program addressed to school libraries. We are waiting for the effects of the project, as well as for friendships! More photos here. Objectives of Wiki-school program, which includes goals of Wikiteka project you can read about here.