Education/News/October 2023/Wikimedia in Brazil is going to be a book

Summary: The highlight of the month at Wiki Movimento Brasil is the launch of the table of contents of the book "Wikimedia in Brazil: the power and challenges of free knowledge". The book is a collection of chapters written collaboratively by Brazilian professors, researchers and Wikimedians.
Illustrative image of the content of the book "Wikimedia in Brazil: the power and challenges of free knowledge".
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Contents of the book "Wikimedia in Brazil: the power and challenges of free knowledge"

During the week celebrating 10 years of working for open and free knowledge, Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB) launched the summary of the book "Wikimedia in Brazil: the power and challenges of free knowledge".

There are fifteen chapters authored by professors, researchers, professionals, Wikimedians and other enthusiasts of the Wikimedia Movement divided into three thematic sections: Collaborative communities; Education and open science; and Free cultural dissemination. The selected chapters underwent sequential peer review by the invited Editorial Board, composed of doctoral researchers, in an anonymous evaluation process.

The book is organized by João Alexandre Peschanski, executive director of Wiki Movimento Brasil, and Amanda Chevtchouk Jurno, manager of Education and Scientific Dissemination. The idea arose from the intention of celebrating the work and gathering stories about the trajectory of the people who lead the development of Wikimedia in Brazil in such an important year for WMB – the year we celebrate its first decade. The content of the collection puts together theoretical reflections and reports of practical work carried out in Brazilian territory that address or involve one of the Wikimedia projects.

With the final versions of the chapters the organizers will continue the conversations with several university publishers in order to publish the content in a book format. The book is written in Portuguese, but we freely translated the chapter titles to give an idea of what's to come.

Part I: Collaborative Communities

  • Tensions between Open Knowledge, Equity and Knowledge of Black and Indigenous Communities
  • Women in network: building knowledge equity on Wikipedia
  • Wikipedia and the construction of History by black hands in the digital space: discussions from PINE/UFRGS

Part II: Education and open science

  • Wikipedia as a hearing health education tool: a community perspective
  • Who here has never used Wikipedia? Collaborative tools for building open knowledge for scientific initiation in undergraduate courses
  • Overcoming cultural barriers: didactic proposals for creating wikibooks about Brazilian culture in Portuguese as an additional language classes
  • Documenting to share: challenges experienced in the first year of the More History Theory Project on Wiki
  • Wiki Diffusion: CEPID NeuroMat and the Wikipedia Scientific Diffusion Initiative

Part III: Free cultural diffusion

  • Digital Collection of Brazilian Music Scores – reuse through Wikimedia Commons
  • The GLAM Wiki initiative of the FMVZ USP Veterinary Anatomy Museum: a university collection with thousands of views
  • Wikidata as a sociotechnical infrastructure for academic and cultural data
  • Brazilian university libraries and Wikimedia projects: the experience of ECA and IME in GLAM USP Libraries
  • Expanding Frontiers: FILE FESTIVAL and its incorporation into the GLAM ecosystem
  • Linked Data with Wikipedia and Wikidata: reducing information silos on the Web with news about Music in Nineteenth-Century Periodicals (MPO)
  • Dissemination of GLAM collections through partnerships with Wiki Movimento Brasil: analysis and contributions

Edit-a-thon at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

The “Memories of Capitalism” edit-a-thon took place on October 16th, 2023, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS – Brazil) in person.

The activity was organized by professor Caroline Bauer within an extension project developed with the Laboratory for Studies on the Political Uses of the Past (Luppa). It aimed to encourage research and scientific dissemination of History, contributing to the circulation of a quality historical content on Wikipedia.

The event gathered 16 participants and was supported by Wiki Movimento Brasil, both with financial support through Wiki Apoia, and by the presence of one of its Managers. Participants included academics from humanities and social sciences courses from the UFRGS.

See some photos taken at the event:

Wikimedians in Residence (WiR) gave a workshop at the university

Screenshot of the workshop with students from the Speech Therapy course at UFRN

On September 15th, two Wikimedians in Residence (WiR) at WMB taught an online workshop for extension students at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN – Brazil) – Priscilla Cruz and Adriano Arrigo.

The event was attended by six Speech Therapy students who were taught to edit Wikipedia. These participants were part of the univeristy extension project “Hearing health education: Wikipedia as a transformative interaction strategy between the University and society”, coordinated by professor Eliane Silva Araújo, with the assistance of researchers Maria Gabriela Paz da Silva and Ana Clara Lopes.

WiR volunteered to teach workshops every fortnight with the aim of accompanying the students throughout their contributions to Wikipedia articles related to hearing health.

In addition to the class being monitored by WiR, which had already been taught by Wiki Movimento Brasil's Education and Science Dissemination manager, Amanda Chevtchouk Jurno, there is a second group of students who do not receive any type of tutoring. At the end of the project, the researchers and the professor intend to compare the production of the two groups to see if there is any difference between them.

WikiConecta: professors and wikimedians' testimonials and tips

Print screen showing the videos on Wikimedia Commons
Example of a quote. See its free translation above

We recently added several multimedia files with testimonials from professors who use Wikimedia projects with their students at the university and experienced Wikimedians to WikiConecta – a free and open course WMB developed at Wikiversity for professors who want to start using Wikimedia Projects with their students. In these excerpts, they shared their own experience and gave some tips to make it easier for those who are starting this path.

The content is the result of interviews carried out with wiki-education partners and was shared in two formats in Wikimedia Commons: images with transcribed excerpts, and passages from the video interviews. The creation of this material aimed to humanize the process for the newcomers and show them that to enter the Wikimedia universe means to join a community of volunteers and activists.

You can find all these content in two Commons' Categories: Category:WikiConecta Quotes and Category:Vídeos. Free translation of the highlighted quote: "We still face a lot of prejudice regarding the use of Wikimedia platforms within the university due to lack of knowledge among our peers, other professors or the institution as a whole. So I think it is very important to give more visibility to these actions that are developed using Wikimedia platforms". Fernanda Zucki, Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil