Utbildning/Nyhetsbrev/Januari 2024

This page is a translated version of the page Education/Newsletter/January 2024 and the translation is 28% complete.

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Volym 13 • Utgåva 1 • Januari 2024


Asmah Federico arbetar som frivilligarbetare på Wikimedia Malaysia. På sistone besökte hon Estland och bekantade sig med Wikimedia Estland. I intervjun kom det fram att de organisationerna, trots att de ligger på olika sidor av jordklotet, är ganska lika i sina Wikimediaaktiviteter. Både fokuserar på utbildning och värdesätter små språk. Asmah pratade också om utbildningsprojekt hos Wikimedia Malaysia och samarbetsprojekt som Estland och Malaysia kunde utveckla. läs mer…

Our User Group is extending the latest developments in an effort to promote the Wikimedia Movement and Education in Wikipedia within education partnerships in Elbasan, Albania. The engagement from students and teachers has been truly inspiring. läs mer…

In 2023, a new history curriculum was established in schools across Aotearoa New Zealand. The curriculum focuses on local history, but currently, there are not many accessible history resources for teachers and students. Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira applied for a grant from the Wikimedia Foundation in order to improve local history pages, and as a part of this grant, the museum is hosting four university students over the summer of 2023/24, who are learning how to edit Wikipedia and developing pages on local history. läs mer…

In November, Wikimedia Armenia initiated workshops for Armenian high school and university students, introducing them to Wikipedia editing tools. High school seniors from Galust Gyulbenkyan and Anatole France French Lycee attended workshops, while a meeting at Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex showcased articles created by students. The collaboration extends to universities, with Yerevan Mesrop Mashtots University students signing a memorandum for internships at Wikimedia Armenia. läs mer…

The year 2023 has proved to be a real challenge with regard to the Students Writing Wikipedia (SPW) programme. Several challenging programmes have been implemented, collaborations with existing schools have been renewed and new collaborations have been established. How was the 2023 student year? läs mer…

At the end of 2023, the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom three-module Teacher’s guide's Bulgarian language version was added to the local implementations of the leading media and information literacy program of Wikimedia Education. Bulgaria is participating and contributing to the Wikimedia Education program for the first time thanks to a project, implemented by the Media Literacy Coalition in the second half of 2023. The organization has plans for the Teacher’s guide and the training to become one of the primary resources that users would find on the Media Literacy Coalition's official website which it strives to establish as a one-stop-shop for everything in the broader field of media and digital literacy, digital citizenship and education fit for the post digital, AI-in-everything age. läs mer…

The Wiki Advocates Philippines piloted the WikiDunong Program thru lectures on the basics of Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Structured data, and the ISA Tool. läs mer…

The Wikimedia Foundation has published an independent assessment to understand the impacts, risks, and opportunities posed to children who access and participate in Wikimedia projects. läs mer…

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