Election candidates 2006/Evrik/Zh

Confirmed. --BradPatrick 03:21, 29 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
用户名 Evrik
真实姓名 Bruce Andersen
Bruce Andersen
居住地 %E8%B2%BB%E5%9F%8E, %E5%AE%BE%E5%A4%95%E6%B3%95%E5%B0%BC%E4%BA%9A%E5%B7%9E, %E7%BE%8E%E5%9C%8B
年龄 42
用户页面 en:User:Evrik
开始参与日期 July, 21 2005 with first recorded edit John Doe. First anon edit (Urbanization) on January 21, 2004
参与计划名称 commons, wikt, wikisource wikibooks, wikiquote and meta
参与计划语言 en, de and es
贡献 en, es, de, commons ,wikt, wikisource, wikibooks, wikiquote and meta
竞选陈述 I am continually amazed by the things I see at wikipedia and its sister projects. My first experience with computers was programming simple games using punch tape, and the on an Apple_II_Plus. I got my first email account in 1986 and started poking around on newsgroups, MUDs and the Internet shortly after. I see the wikis as a great example of the possibilities of the Internet to disseminate knowledge and to build civil society.

As a board member, the issues I would focus on issues in three broad areas:

1. Building community

  • Peer review is what makes wikipedia great. Petty infighting is aggravating and drives people away. I would work on ways to prevent conflicts
  • Admins and sysops are a great group of people. We need to promote their work by improving the ways they are selected
  • Promote communities of individuals with interest and expertise in specific topics. This in turn will improve article quality.

2. Promoting articles that expand knowledge, are accurate and fair

  • Promoting interlanguage coordination – reducing the difference between articles in different languages and strengthening the projects with a smaller number of articles by making translations easier.
  • Building partnerships with verified resources (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.) to improve the accuracy of articles and improving the reliability the information
  • Promoting groups of technical experts in key areas (like copyright issues). Improving the brain trust involved in key issues will help with reducing conflicts between contributors.

3. Building a strong financial base for the foundation

  • Increase the financial stability by expanding the donor base of the foundation. This includes promotion of an endowment.
  • Work to recruit volunteers and donors to the foundation and acknowledgement of those donors.
  • Explore ways that we can use technology to improve how information is delivered.
  • Build our technical infrastructure

I have the experience in non-profit management and the technical knowledge to contribute to the wikimedia foundation.

对此候选人进行提问 en:User talk:Evrik