Election candidates 2006/Kelly Martin/Gl

Usuario Kelly Martin
Nome real Kelly Martin
Lugar de residencia Niles, Illinois, EUA
Idade 35-39
Páxina(s) de usuario enwiki, dewiki (máis ou menos), Commons, meta
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde decembro 2004
Proxectos nos que colaborou enwiki, commons, meta
Linguas nas que colaborou Inglés
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións enwiki, commons, meta
Presentación pendente tradución

I had not originally planned to run for the Board, but was recently talked into it by a particular someone who asked me to run. I do find myself frequently frustrated at the curious way the Foundation does things -- at all levels -- and I do have some vague hope that I could help to resolve some of those "curiosities" as a member of the Board, and it would be my intentions, if elected, to take actions to deal with some of our more serious misguided practices. The worst of these, in my opinion, is our highly fractured and very ineffective internal communications systems, something which I am already trying to help through membership in the Communications Committee. I believe that a lot of our failures to get things done (or to do them badly or incompletely) are due to communications problems.

My platform:

  • Ensure the Foundation remains accountable to its supporters and users;
  • Build the infrastructure we need to respond to the massive increase in public attention Wikipedia gets, and to leverage this public interest to the benefit of the other projects;
  • Improve communication within the Foundation, between the Foundation and the projects, and between the projects and the developers;
  • Recruit volunteers, and when necessary, staff, to ensure that things that need to get done get done right and get done on time;
  • Cultivate partnerships with others who will respect our core principles and benefit our mission; and
  • Work toward reasonable growth and economic sustainability in a manageable timeframe.

Conflict statement: I am not, nor have I ever been, an employee, officer, or agent of the Wikimedia Foundation; Wikia, Inc.; or any entity organized as a Wikimedia chapter organization. To the best of my knowledge, neither myself nor any of my past or present employers has directly or indirectly done business with any of the above entities, except that I am an occasional donor to the Wikimedia Foundation, and my housing at Wikimania 2006 was obtained by payment made through Wikimania's organization.

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