Encuentro GLAM-WIKI Santiago 2012/en

- GLAM-WIKI Meeting Santiago 2012 is an opportunity to gather cultural and academic institutions with community members of the Wikimedia Foundation projects and promoters of the free knowledge in general. This is the first meeting of this kind on Latin America, following the example of other events hosted in Canberra, London, Paris and Barcelona.
- GLAM refers to "galleries, libraries, archives and museums", although other institutions like social, cultural, sport and educational organizations can participate in the same way.
- This meeting is organized by Wikimedia Chile, the local chapter of the Fountation in Chile, and will happen on Thursday, March 15th, 2012 at the Duoc UC Auditorium between 9 am and 1 pm. The event will be totally free.
- If you want to participate in the event, it is recommended to suscribe here.
- The Wikimedia movement and cultural institutions share the same goal: maximum dissemination of culture. Several cultural partnerships have been initiated worldwide between Wikimedia communities and the GLAM sector (galleries, libraries, archives and museums). Cultural institutions can contribute to its richness and diversity of resources and are well compensated with greater visibility, increased visits and dissemination; on the other side, the communities can benefit of access to new contents and get more outreach. We have now much to learn from each other finding the common ground: let's do it live!
- GLAM-WIKI meetings want to gather the maximum number of players around the new collaborative cultural practices online, favoring free access to knowledge.
- Osmar Valdebenito, President of Wikimedia Chile
- Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, Creative Commons France legal lead and a a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School,
- Beatriz Busaniche, Executive Director of Wikimedia Argentina and public lead of Creative Commons Argentina
- Sarah Stierch, art consultant and Wikipedian in Residence at the Smithsonian Institution and Wikimedia Foundation Community Fellow
- Ryan Kaldari, member of the Wikimedia Foundation staff and participant in "Wiki loves Art"
- Claudio Ruiz, director of Derechos Digitales and Latin America regional co-director of Creative Commons
- Roxana Donoso, librarian and chief of information architecture at the Library of the Chilean National Congress
- The event will be hosted at the Duoc UC Institute Auditorium, located on Vicuña Mackenna 4917, San Joaquín subway station. See the location at Google Maps.
- The venue has a maximum capacity of 120 espectators.
- 8:30 - Registration
- 9:00 - Welcome
- 9:15 - GLAM and Wiki. Different approaches over the world by Osmar Valdebenito.
- 10:00 - The experience of the Library of the National Congress by Roxana Donoso.
- 10:45 - Coffee break
- 11:15 - GLAM partnerships in the United States by Sarah Stierch and Ryan Kaldari.
- 12:00 - Round table Challenges and benefits of GLAM-WIKI partnerships in Chile, with Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, Beatriz Busaniche, Claudio Ruiz and Roxana Donoso.
- 13:00 - Closing
- If you need more information about this event, please contact us at contacto wikimediachile.cl and we will try to answer your question as soon as possible.
- If you want to participate in the event, it is recommended to suscribe here.
Patrocinadores Library of the Chilean National Congress ONG Derechos Digitales Duoc UC Libraries Network |