Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario/Children
(Redirected from Esino Lario/Children)
To meet the necessities of the volunteers involved in the organization and to offer a relevant program for all the attendees, children-care and activities for children are planned in collaboration with local institutions. The cost of the child-care will be cover meals, insurance and staff.

Age | Description | # places available | Where | Who |
2-5 years old | Playing space for children. | 20 children. Only Saturday and Sunday. | Kindergarden | Scuola dell'infanzia di Esino Lario (non profit organization supported by the city council). Coordinator Giusy Nasazzi. |
6-10 years old | Green week (settimana del verde). Workshops, excursions and activities to discover the nature and culture of the Grigna Park. | 40 children. | Space next to the kindergarden (sala dell'oratorio) and outdoor. | Parco regionale della Grigna Settentionale (organizing the week in Esino Lario since 2012). Coordinator Tecla Barindelli. |
Esino Lario was awarded in 2010 the Prize FamilyWork for its project Esino Lario child-friendly (Esino Lario a misura di bambino), which included activities, workshops, artworks and a simple communication system with logos which identify available services for children. The prize is promoted by Lombardy Region and ALTIS, a research unit at the Catholic University of Milan.