File talk:Ncwiki.png

(b1) (b1-eloq)
(b4) (b4-mav)
(b6) (b6-merk)
(b7) (b%-rlee)


(Arabic عربي)

Archived Comments

Not wanting to be outdone... here are b1 and b6 in 16x16 and 32x32 favicon sizes.



Neolux 16:44, 17 Aug 2003 (UTC)

(comments archived)

Okay people. Let's play a bit of elimination here. Going for the collaborative thing that made the design process so much fun, let's see if we can eliminate variants of this entry.

I think the best way to do this is to see what elements of the logos are good and work well, and what elements do not work. Similar to b%-rlee. He has taken an element from several variants and combined them together. This is pretty cool and works quite well. For example, the heavier typeface seems to have more impact and works better than a light face.

Pick an element and discuss with pros and cons. Follow the example.




  • Heavier works better. Easier to read and catches eye straight away. Neolux


  • Three colours good because it is the three colours of the WP links, and the three primary colours of light. Also, there are not too many colours so it's not too messy and unnecessarily complicated. Neolux


  • The solid circle is good with the colours, but if there were only one colour for the entire logo, the globe probably works better. Neolux


  • The versions with the outer ring complete in the bottom half indicate supportiveness of some kind. Neolux

Then add what ever else you like. If you have ideas to improve something or think something looks a little "out-of-place", let me know.


  • I think variant (a) can be eliminated as it doesn't bring anything unique and is not as well implemented as the (b) variants. Neolux


Neolux 10:40, 7 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I like B7 best except for the green splotch on the globe. Please get rid of that. --Maveric149 10:52, 7 Sep 2003 (UTC)
So a plain blue globe instead? Neolux 10:55, 7 Sep 2003 (UTC)
That's not a globe; it is a big dot. I like the globe. --Maveric149
Ya. A blue globe like in b4... Is that what you mean? No colour variation within the globe itself, just a plain blue colour with the globe lines intact, yes? Neolux 11:09, 7 Sep 2003 (UTC)
Yes. :) BTW, if this entry doesn't win then I would love to see this as the Wikimedia logo. --mav
I agree entirely with mav --Imran 20:56, 11 Sep 2003 (UTC)
No probs. In fact, if there is going to be a seperate logo for WM, I'd be more than happy to gear it towards that. Thanks for the confidence vote. Neolux 11:59, 7 Sep 2003 (UTC)
b6 is my favourite. The color of the head, always in that gamut not too brilliant could be used to diferenciate with colours diferent parts of the project. (Bisho 8 sep 2003)
Eliminate the "a" variant?? Gosh, i voted for 2 because of the "a" variant. I assume the "i" is "Information" in all languages, and isn't that the purpose of Wikipedia being international? Jerzy
Well I've kept it in based solely on your comment Jerzy! I'm my own harshest critic, so maybe I think it isn't as good as it is. That, and the fact that I didn't have too many variants that were significantly different from each other.  :) Neolux 09:55, 14 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I think the typeface is largely irrelevant, since it is not part of the logo. As for colors, I agree that three colors is best; I'd prefer the style as in (b6), where the two middle pieces are the same color, to avoid possible comparisons to the Commodore 64 logo. The globe looks better than the solid dot in all cases, though at the smaller sizes a dot is probably the only way to do it. Solid outer circle is definitely best. -- Wapcaplet 06:30, 11 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I say the last one. Colipon 04:24, 11 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I'd say no break in the outer ring, definitely globe instead of solid dot, and the two halves the same color... then, more negotiably, I prefer the plain blue globe and either the softer green of the rlee variant or blue of eloq variant. It's very very nice, in any form (and version 'a' isn't bad overall, I just don't like it near as well as the 'b's.) Oh, and I agree with Wapcaplet that the typeface is mostly irrelevant, but I prefer the one used in b4 and others. -- Jake 22:41, 11 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I think it's rather cold - like a sports centre logo. I think we need something more personal. CGS 22:51, 11 Sep 2003 (UTC).

I too definitely get the sports association from the single-colored logos. Why is that?—Eloquence 23:13, 11 Sep 2003 (UTC)
I actually just went past a gym the other day, and saw the icon used for that. It is similar but not the same. I'll post a copy when I find one for comparison.
Oh, and thanks for all the feedback! I'll probably do a last minute rush to put my final contenders in. I'm going for three colours, same in the middle, but haven't decided on the globe or dot, or the break or no break. Typeface is probably not part of the logo, so I might take it out all together for the vote. The typeface could be decided later, but I definately think it should be a little heavier than what is currently on b6. Neolux 21:37, 12 Sep 2003 (UTC)

Okay, b8 is my current favorite. In terms of the finalists, I'm going to go (a) (b4) (b6) (b7-blue) (b8). If you think these selections are a major mistake, let me know. Neolux 03:06, 14 Sep 2003 (UTC)

By the way, I think that b8 can adequetely represent b1. Just take out all the colour, and tint what's left with a specific colour. This may be a good way to do theming. Neolux 09:55, 14 Sep 2003 (UTC)

Looking good! I really, really like this logo. Any variation. I have far more interest in this logo winning than any other. Here's another thought - having a solid outer ring improves the "W" appearance, especially if you look at the negative (white) space. -- Wapcaplet 20:15, 14 Sep 2003 (UTC)
Indeed. That was one of the more serendipitous elements of the design. With the broken outer ring, however, it takes on the "Psi" character, which is the proposed symbol for WikiMoney. So either can work with subtle reference back to a W or ψ. Neolux 04:21, 15 Sep 2003 (UTC)

The closed outer circle is a step backward in my view. It makes the person seem locked up in a 'round office cubicle', sheltered/distanced from the outer world. The broken outer circle has different connotations to me, something like arms holding a book or 'folded wings' (true, very abstract wings), ready to be opened to enter the outside world, to spread all new knowledge. Oh and I like the subdued, subtle colours. Could you add language variations for b6 to make the comparison with the closed variety as close as possible? Erik Zachte 06:33, 15 Sep 2003 (UTC)

Sure, that shoudln't be too much of a problem. Give me a couple of days and I'll post them next to the b8 variants. Neolux 11:20, 16 Sep 2003 (UTC)
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