This is a wiki page to be constantly edited by those who:
believe in a world where any person can share in the sum of all knowledge
want to engage and empower other individuals to act autonomously
value accessibility, openness and freedom
build a global knowledge society



The vision of a world in which any person can freely share in the sum of all knowledge inspired the creation of this coalition of individuals and organizations aiming for a global knowledge society.



Individuals and organizations engaged in this coalition adopt and promote the following principles:

  • Accessibility to enable any person in the world to share in all forms of knowledge.
  • Openness to engage and participate autonomously, regardless of any criteria.
  • Freedom to use, to change, to copy and to distribute any form of knowledge.



Individuals and organizations engaged in this coalition:

  • Foster the debate of ideas, articulation of actions and exchange of experiences aiming for a global knowledge society.
  • Respect, engage and empower other individuals and other organizations interested in building a global knowledge society.



All participants of this coalition watch over:

  • A world where every single individual can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.
  • Any action in discordance with the present document.