Foto Community User Group

foto Community User Group (foto CUG), for now, is an informal group focused in production of media (photo, video, audio).


Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment.

  • Bring to Wikimedia Movement, and consequently to the Free Culture, media with high quality, and high educational value.
    • Our main goal is to illustrate the natural, cultural, intangible cultural, and historical heritage of Brazil, and Brazilians, especially the ones not available under a free license
  • Create paths to increase the potential of dissemination and accessibility.
    • We understand that including people with different views, different cultures, ethnicities, genres, different levels of accessibility... in all steps of the material creation boost the power of the content created.
    • We understand that people learn in different forms, and may have different ways to acquire knowledge; increasing formats available could better spread the knowledge.
    • We also understand the importance structured data to well describe media raises not only for the educational value, but also for accessibility.
  • Create a healthy environment to Brazilians multimedia contributors at Wikimedia Movement.
    • Being a volunteer work, and Photography a creative skill, we see as a major importance create a nest capable of shelter this volunteers, and also make they grow. Create a place where the creativity is abundant and they feel safe and owner of it.
  • Improve the skills of volunteers.
    • One of main values of Free Culture, is the possibility of dissemination of the knowledge showing steps to achieve that material or process. Courses, workshops, books, brochures on how to create free educational content, could increase the overall quality of contribution available in our communities in a medium to long term.
    • This investment on knowledge of the volunteer is also an away of retribution.



The group will manage activities across Brazil, and the goal is to be a Thematic Organization focused on media production.



Previous activities


Contact information




Interested in participating


For being one our volunteers, you must follow our Statement Letter[1], our Conduct code, our Agenda for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, our goals and the community friendly space policies[2], our focus are in people related to media production, in all levels.

You can also be a collaborator, you need to understand and accept our Statement Letter[1], our Conduct code, our Agenda for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, our goals and the community friendly space policies[2], being a collaborator is be a person that support us, provide ideas, and may want to participate in specific activities.

Both must understand and follow the Letter and contribute to our Goals.

To be a volunteer you must keep our Wikimedia account active, 6 months of inactivity will be understood as a give up.

Our decisions happens via discussion and consensus, both can contribute and discuss, but the decisions will relay on volunteers.

Both can participate in our specific activities, and can suggest activities; but volunteers will be prioritized. Long run activities, will only be delivered to volunteers.

There is age restriction to some of our activities, but under age can be a contributor, knowing this restriction. We prioritize people living across Brazil, due to logistic reasons, but people living abroad is also welcomed, knowing that all most all of our discussion will be in Portuguese.

Becoming a volunteer and collaborator

To be a collaborator, you must read all the documentation necessary, the Letter of Principles, the Friendly space policies, and our Goals. After that, send an email to contato to schedule a welcoming meeting[3].

To be a volunteer, you must read all the documentation necessary, the Letter of Principles, the Friendly space policies, and our Goals. After that, send an email to contato to schedule a welcoming meeting[3], we will also check if you start to online contribute with the Wikimedia movement.

[3] Welcoming meeting

To have a more human first contact, and to clarify existent doubts, we will arrange, every time that we feel necessary (i.e., more than 5 people wanting to be a volunteer, more than 1 months without a new welcoming meeting, with interested people)

On this meeting we will talk about Free Culture, Wikimedia Movement, Wikimedia Commons, our group, how we work, what is a volunteer work, and more importantly know the interested people, and let they know us.

At the end we will evaluate if makes sense for both they be new members.



