Fundraising 2007/Video with Jimmy subtitles/Translations/nb
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1 00:00:05,750 --> 00:00:10,500 Hei! Jeg er Jimmy Wales, grunnleggeren av Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi. 2 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:15,000 Wikipedia er avhengig av donasjoner fra mennesker verden over 3 00:00:15,250 --> 00:00:17,250 Mennesker som deg. 4 00:00:17,750 --> 00:00:21,750 Wikipedia startet i 2001, og har raskt blitt 5 00:00:21,750 --> 00:00:24,000 en av de ti største destinasjonene på internett. 6 00:00:25,000 --> 00:00:27,000 Den største Wikipedia-utgaven er den på engelsk, men 7 00:00:27,000 --> 00:00:29,500 hva med språkene i u-land? 8 00:00:30,500 --> 00:00:34,000 Vi trenger hjelp til å øke veksten til wikipedier på språk som 9 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:36,000 hindi, arabisk og swahili, 10 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:39,000 språk der brukerne virkelig har nytte av tilgang til fri kunnskap. 11 00:00:39,500 --> 00:00:44,000 Følgende er utklipp fra den uavhengige dokumentarfilmen «Truth in Numbers» 12 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:50,750 Når et barn får en bærbar data- maskin er det et snapshot av Wikipedia 13 00:00:50,750 --> 00:00:54,250 både på morsmålet deres, og deler av engelskspråklig Wikipedia. <!-- uoversatt --> 14 00:00:54,500 --> 00:00:56,250 That they can engage in 15 00:00:56,250 --> 00:00:59,250 a critical discourse with other people about things that are out in the world, 16 00:00:59,500 --> 00:01:02,500 that they don't have to take things at face value - that's a powerful idea. 17 00:01:02,500 --> 00:01:07,750 Part of the idea behind the the laptop is to expose kids to powerful ideas, and the 18 00:01:07,750 --> 00:01:10,000 Wikipedia is one of those powerful ideas. 19 00:01:12,250 --> 00:01:17,000 Well, of course, my contribution is just a bit, but every little bit helps. 20 00:01:18,500 --> 00:01:25,000 So this is how I write in Wikipedia. Yes, it's a lot of work, but it works! 21 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:33,000 One day, we can put it on a disc and give it around the schools, so people can look it up. 22 00:01:34,750 --> 00:01:41,000 All of a sudden, Wikipedia came and then this, the sum total of human knowledge - it struck me. 23 00:01:42,000 --> 00:01:44,000 You know the website Wikipedia? Yeah, yeah. 24 00:01:44,500 --> 00:01:48,750 So, I'm the Founder of Wikipedia. Okay, hi! Nice to meet you! It's a great site ... 25 00:01:49,000 --> 00:01:52,250 Do you ever look at the ... ? ... and I also use pick-up lines from that. 26 00:01:52,500 --> 00:01:56,000 Pick-up lines! From Wikipedia? Oh, yeah - did it work? 27 00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:09,500 One of the things that I've is I've taken a copy of this whole website, 28 00:02:09,750 --> 00:02:18,000 which is Wikipedia, and I've put it in a computer classroom where they don't have Internet access. 29 00:02:19,750 --> 00:02:25,000 If more of this was available in Afrikaans, it would be very useful. 30 00:02:27,000 --> 00:02:30,750 Actually, it's more important for developing countries than it is for developed countries, 31 00:02:30,751 --> 00:02:33,750 because there is a gap, and this gap is purely knowledge 32 00:02:33,750 --> 00:02:37,500 it's not money, it's not politics or power or whatever, it's knowledge. 33 00:02:37,550 --> 00:02:42,500 If we have the knowledge, and we know how to use it, then the gap will be filled 34 00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:45,500 and we can look to a brighter future. 35 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:52,500 Wikipedia has already changed the world, and with your continued support 36 00:02:52,500 --> 00:02:55,500 there's no telling how much we can do for people internationally. 37 00:02:56,000 --> 00:02:59,000 Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet 38 00:02:59,001 --> 00:03:04,250 is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. 39 00:03:06,750 --> 00:03:11,402 To donate, please visit