Fundraising 2007/web buttons

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#wikimedia-donations (web)
Banners (outline)
Web buttons
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Donation form

Īew ūs þīne Wici-lufe

Īew ūs þīne Wici-lufe mid þȳ þe þu macast cnæpp oþþe cumbol for þīnum leofostan Wici-weorce. Þis hæfþ inn Wicipǣdian, Wicispell, Wicimǣdian Gemǣnescipes Hord, Wiciscōle, Wicibēc, Wicicwide, Wiciwordbōc, and Wicicynn. ĀāǢǣĒēĪīŌōŪūȲȳÐðÞþÆæ

Cnæppas and cumblu ne sculon bēon onwendednessa tācna. (ie, you can use the project logo, but do not change it.) Additionally, you can use any standard banner or button sizes, but we would prefer 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px or 468 x 60 px.

When you are done, spread the love, and ask your friend and family to put the button of their choice on their website, blog, and any other virtual home! :)

We ask that you link the buttons and banners to, in an attempt to help us with our fundraiser.

Zeig uns deine Wikiliebe

Zeige uns deine Wikiliebe, indem du einen Button oder ein Banner für dein Lieblingswikiprojekt erstellst. Das kann eines der folgenden Projekte sein: Wikipedia, Wikinews, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiversity, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wiktionary oder WikiSpecies.

Buttons und Banner sollten keine Ableitungen der Logos sein. (Das heißt, du kannst zwar das Projektlogo verwenden, darfst es aber nicht verändern.) Du kannst jede Standardgröße für Banner und Buttons verwenden, aber wir würden 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px oder 468 x 60 px bevorzugen.

Wenn du fertig bist, verbreite die Liebe und bitte deine Freunde und Familie, einen Button ihrer Wahl auf ihre Internetseite, ihren Blog oder irgendein anderes virtuelles Zuhause zu setzen. :)

Wir bitten darum, dass du die Buttons und Banner zur Seite verlinkst, mit dem Ziel, dass das unserem Spendenaufruf helfen möge.

Show us your Wikilove

Show us your wiki love by creating a button or banner for your favorite Wiki project. This includes Wikipedia, Wikinews, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiversity, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wiktionary, and Wikispecies.

Buttons and banners should not be deviations of logos. (ie, you can use the project logo, but do not change it.) Additionally, you can use any standard banner or button sizes, but we would prefer 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px or 468 x 60 px.

When you are done, spread the love, and ask your friend and family to put the button of their choice on their website, blog, and any other virtual home! :)

We ask that you link the buttons and banners to, in an attempt to help us with our fundraiser.
Español :

Muestra tu Wikiamor

Demuéstranos tu wikiamor creando un botón o una imagen para tu proyecto favorito. Esto incluye Wikipedia, Wikinoticias, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiversidad, Wikilibros, Wikiquote, Wikcionario y Wikiespecies.

Las imágenes no deberán modificar los logos (puedes usar el logo del proyecto pero no modificarlo). Adicionalmente, puedes usar cualquier tamaño de imagen o botón, pero preferimos 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px or 468 x 60 px.

Cuando termines, comparte el amor y pídele a tus amigos y familiares para que pongan el botón de su elección en su sitio web, blog o cualquier otro sitio virtual.

Te pedimos que enlaces los botones e imágenes a para ayudarnos con nuestra campaña de recolección de fondos.

Osoita Wikirakkautesi

Osoita Wikirakkautesi luomalla painike tai banneri arvostamallesi wikiprojektille. Wikiprojekteja ovat Wikipedia, Wikiuutiset, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiversity, Wikikirjasto, Wikisitaatit, Wikisanakirja ja Wikispecies.

Painikkeissa ja bannereissa saa käyttää projektien olemassa olevia logoja, mutta niitä ei saa muokata. Painike- ja bannerikoot saa vapaasti valita, mutta itse suosittelisimme kokoja 180 x 60 pikseliä, 120 x 240 pikseliä tai 468 x 60 pikseliä.

Kun olet saanut luomuksesi valmiiksi, levitä rakkautta pyytämällä ystäviäsi ja sukulaisiasi lisäämään se kotisivulleen, blogiinsa tai mihin tahansa virtuaalikotiinsa! :)

Varainkeruumme edistämiseksi pyydämme, että painikkeista ja bannereista olisi linkki sivulle
Français :

Montre ton WikiLove

Montre-nous ton WikiLove en créant un bouton ou une bannière pour ton projet Wikimédia favori. Ceci inclut Wikipédia, Wikinews, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiversité, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wiktionnaire et Wikispecies.

Les boutons et bannières ne doivent pas comporter des logos modifiés (tu peux utiliser le logo du projet, mais pas le changer). En plus, tu peux utiliser n'importe quelle taille d'images pour tes bannières ou boutons, mais nous préférons 180 x 60px, 120 x 240px ou 468 x 60px.

Une fois fini, répands le WikiLove en demandant à des amis ou à des membres de ta famille de mettre le bouton ou bannière de leur choix sur leur site web, leur blog ou toute autre page ! :)

Nous te prions de lier les boutons et bannières à pour nous aider avec la levée de fonds.

Mostraci il tuo Wikilove

Mostraci il tuo wikilove creando un pulsante o un banner per il progetto Wiki che preferisci. Questo include Wikipedia, Wikinotizie, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiversità, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wikizionario, and Wiki Species.

Pulsanti e banners non devono essere derivazioni dei loghi. (puoi usare il logo del progetto inalterato). In più, puoi usare qualsiasi misura per il banner o per i pulsanti, ma, per questioni pratiche, preferiremmo 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px o 468 x 60 px.

Quando hai ultimato il lavoro, diffondi l'amore, e chiedi ad un tuo amico o familiare di inserirlo a scelta nel loro sito, blog, e altre case virtuali! :)

Ti chiediamo di linkare pulsanti e banner a, con l'intento di aiutarci nella nostra campagna di raccolta fondi.




作り終わったら、愛をひろめるために、ご友人やご家族のウェブサイトやブログ、ホームページの目立つ位置にバナーを貼りだしてもらってください :-)。

ウィキメディア財団のファンドレイザーを知ってもらうために、リンクを まで張ってくださるようお願いいたします。
Português :

Mostra o teu Wikiamor

Demonstra o teu wikiamor criando um botão ou imagem para o teu projecto wiki preferido. Isto inclui a Wikipédia, a Wikinotícias, a Wikimedia Commons, a Wikiversidade, o Wikilivros, o Wikiquote, o Wikcionário e o Wikispecies.

As imagens não deverão modificar os logos (podes usar o logo do projecto mas não modificá-lo). Adicionalmente, podes usar qualquer tamanho de imagem ou botão mas preferimos 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px ou 468 x 60 px.

Quando terminares, compartilha o amor e pede aos teus amigos e familiares que usem o botão preferido na sua página web, blog ou qualquer outro sítio virtual.

Pedimos que ligues os botões e as imagens a para ajudar-nos com a nossa campanha de recolha de fundos.

Pokaż nam swoją Wiki-miłość

Pokaż nam swoją Wiki-miłość tworząc znaczek lub banner twojego ulubionego Wikiprojektu. Może to być Wikipedia, Wikinews, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiversity, Wiki-książki, Wiki-cytaty, Wiki-słownik lub Wiki Species.

Znaki i banery nie powinny być pochodnymi logo (tzn. możesz wykorzystać logo danego projektu, ale nie powinieneś go zmieniać). Możesz użyć któregokolwiek ze standardowych rozmiarów znaczków i banerów, chociaż wymiary 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px i 468 x 60 px są przez nas najchętniej widziane.

Gdy już twój baner lub znaczek będzie gotowy - podziel się miłością! Poproś znajomych i rodzinę o zamieszczenie wybranego przez siebie znaku na swoich stronach, blogach i w swoich wirtualnych domach.

Prosimy, abyś umieścił w banerach i znaczkach link do i pomógł nam w ten sposób w zbiórce funduszy.

Vis os din Wikihengivenhed

Vis os din wikihengivenhed ved at lave en knap eller et banner for dit foretrukne Wikiprojekt. Det kan være Wikipedia, Wikinews, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiversity, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wiktionary eller Wikispecies.

Knapper og bannere må ikke være varianter af logoer. (Dvs. at du kan bruge projektets logo, men du må ikke ændre det.) Desuden kan du bruge ethvert standardbanner eller størrelse på en knap, men vi foretrækker 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px eller 468 x 60 px.

Når du er færdig, så udbred din hengivenhed og bed dine venner og familie om at sætte den knap eller banner, de foretrækker, på deres hjemmeside, blog eller anden virtuel side! :)

Vi beder om, at du linker knapper og bannere til for at hjælpe os med vores indsamling.
Română :

Demonstaţi-vă Wikidragostea

Demonstraţi-vă wikidragostea creând un buton sau un banner pentru proiectul dvs. Wiki preferat. Aici includem Wikipedia, Wikiştiri, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiversitate, Wikimanuale, Wikicitat, Wikţionar şi Wikispecii.

Butoanele şi bannerele nu trebuie să derive din logouri (puteţi în schimb să utilizaţi logoul nemodificat al unui proiect). În plus, puteţi utiliza orice măsură pentru banner sau buton, dar, din motive practice, preferăm 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px sau 468 x 60 px.

Când aţi terminat, arătaţi-vă dragostea şi cereţi unui amic sau unei rude să-l introducă în situl web, blog sau orice alt loc virtual! :)

Vă invităm să vă legaţi butonul sau bannerul la, pentru a ne ajuta în campania noastră de strângere de fonduri.
Català :

Mostra'ns el teu wikiamor

Mostra el teu wikiamor creant un botó o un bàner pel teu projecte Wiki preferit. Això inclou la Viquipèdia, Viquinotícies, Wikimedia Commons, Viquiversitat, Viquillibres, Viquidites, Viccionari i Viquiespècies.

Els botons i bàners no poden usar obres derivades dels logotips (és a dir, es pot usar el logotip del projecte, però no es pot modificar). A més a més, tot i que es pot usar qualsevol mida estàndard dels bàners i botons, nosaltres recomanem 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px o 468 x 60 px.

Quan ho hagis fet, reparteix l'amor i demana als teus amics i família de posar el botó o bàner que ells desitgin al seu web, bloc i a qualsevol altra casa virtual! :)

Us demanem que enllaceu els botons i bàners a, per tal d'ajudar-nos en el nostre finançament.

โชว์ความ Wikilove ของคุณ

แสดงความรักที่มีต่อโครงการวิกิของคุณ โดยการสร้างปุ่มหรือแถบแบนเนอร์ให้กับโครงการวิกิที่คุณชื่นชอบ ซึ่งรวมถึง วิกิพีเดีย, วิกิข่าว, วิกิมีเดียคอมมอนส์, วิกิมหาวิทยาลัย, วิกิตำรา, วิกิคำคม, และ วิกิสปีชีส์

ปุ่มและแบนเนอร์จะต้องไม่ดัดแปลงโลโก้ของโครงการวิกิ (คุณใช้โลโก้ของโครงการวิกิได้ แต่อย่าเปลี่ยนแปลงโลโก้นั้น) หรือ คุณสามารถสร้างโดยใช้ขนาดมาตรฐานใดๆ ก็ได้ แต่เราแนะนำให้ใช้ขนาด 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px หรือ 468 x 60 px.

เมื่อสร้างเสร็จแล้ว ให้กระจายข้อมูลให้เพื่อนๆ ของท่าน หรือสมาชิกในครอบครัวของท่านให้วางปุ่มหรือแบนเนอร์ที่ท่านสร้างไว้บนบล็อก บนเว็บไซต์ หรือในบ้านเสมือนจริงอื่นๆ :)

เราขอให้คุณลิงก์ปุ่มและแบนเนอร์ไปยัง ในความพยายามที่จะช่วยเราระดมทุนจากผู้บริจาค
Bahasa Indonesia:

Perlihatkan kami CintaWiki Anda

Perlihatkan kami kecintaan wiki Anda dengan menciptakan sebuah tombol atau banner bagi proyek Wiki favorit Anda. Bisa untuk Wikipedia, Wikinews, Wikimedia Commons, Wikiversity, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wiktionary, atau Wikispecies.

Tombol dan banner tidak boleh menyimpang dari logo-logo (misal, Anda dapat menggunakan logo proyek tersebut, tapi jangan mengubahnya). Sebagai tambahan, Anda dapat menggunakan standar ukuran tombol dan banner secara bebas, tapi preferensi kami adalah 180 x 60 px, 120 x 240 px or 468 x 60 px.

Setelah selesai, sebarkan cinta itu, dan minta teman dan keluarga Anda untuk meletakkannya di blog dan situs-situs web mereka lainnya.

Berikan pranala (link) tombol dan banner tersebut ke, untuk membantu kami dalam penggalangan dana.

Design guidelines


If you want to design a button yourself, /Text suggestions has a list of multilingual texts that you can use.

Banners & Buttons



Location of image Submitted by Image
Image:Wikipedia-free-mini-button.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:wikiFavWikiPedia1.jpg Wiki Blue  
Use this text for your website:
Image:wikiFavWikiPedia2.jpg Wiki Blue  
Use this text for your website:
Image:wikiFavWikiPedia3.jpg Wiki Blue  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Donate Wikipedia 1.jpg Sabine Cretella  
Use this text for your website:
Image:WPshare-banner-en.png PatríciaR  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-ar.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-en.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-de.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-fr.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-ja.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-pl.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-es.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-pt.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-it.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-tr.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-af.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-nl.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-da.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-el.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-sr.png User:W. Freeman  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-lt.png User:Matasg  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-lt-2.png User:Matasg  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-lt-3.png User:Matasg  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wikipedia-banner-240-zh-hant.png User:theodoranian  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Es-Anuncio-Imagina.gif User:Emijrp  
Use this text for your website:


Location of image Submitted by Image
Image:Wikinews-support-mini-button.png User:Bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:WikiFavsNews1.jpg Wiki Blue  
Use this text for your website:
Image:WikiFavsNews2.jpg Wiki Blue  
Use this text for your website:
Image:WikiFavsNews3.jpg Wiki Blue  
Use this text for your website:


Location of image Submitted by Image
Image:Wb-knowledge-en.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wb-knowledge-de.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Wb-knowledge-pt.png User:PatríciaR  
Use this text for your website:


Location of image Submitted by Image
Image:wikiFavWikiVersity1.jpg Wiki Blue  
Use this text for your website:
Image:wikiFavWikiVersity2.jpg Wiki Blue  
Use this text for your website:

Wikimedia Commons

Location of image Submitted by Image
Image:Commons support-mini-button.png User:bastique  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commons bannersdfds.png User:geni  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Qxz-ad89.gif Miranda  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commonsad.gif Miranda  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commonsad-ar.gif Miranda  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commonsad-es.gif Miranda  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commonsad-po.gif Miranda  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commonsad-it.gif Miranda  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commonsad-fr.gif Miranda  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commonsad-pt.gif Miranda  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commonsad-ne.gif Miranda  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commonsad-no.gif Miranda  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commons-button-en.png PatríciaR  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commons-banner-240-lt-2.png Matasg  
Use this text for your website:
Image:Commons-banner-240-lt.png Matasg  
Use this text for your website:


Location of image Submitted by Image
Image:Wikiquote-banner-en.png User:PatríciaR  
Use this text for your website:
Location of image Submitted by Image
Image:Wikiquote-button-en1.png User:PatríciaR  
Use this text for your website:
Location of image Submitted by Image
Image:Wikiquote-button-en_transp.png User:PatríciaR  
Use this text for your website:

Raw buttons and banners


Buttons and banners where text can be added in order to personalize them.

88 x 86



120 x 240


Par language


Please add the link to the website where you added a banner or button that links to the FR page.