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Be curious. |
0.66% |
1 |
One day people will look back and wonder what it was like not to know. |
0.43% |
This is not an ad. Make sure you never see one on Wikipedia. |
0.28% |
For today, and tomorrow. |
0.22% |
1 |
The fifth largest website in the world is made possible by you. |
0.13% |
3 |
The sum of human knowledge, for a small sum. |
0.13% |
1 |
This is not an ad. Donate today to make sure you never see one on Wikipedia. |
0.11% |
3 |
For today, and tomorrow. Please donate. |
0.10% |
Wikipedia is there for you every day.Be there for Wikipedia today. |
0.09% |
1 |
Free knowledge for all: make it happen. |
0.09% |
One day people will look back and wonder what it was like not to know. Donate today. |
0.08% |
The fifth largest website in the world is made possible by you. Donate today. |
0.07% |
1 |
The sum of human knowledge, for a small sum. Donate today. |
0.07% |
{{Sitename}}:Share |
0.06% |
Free knowledge for all: make it happen. Donate today. |
0.06% |
Wikipedia is there for you every day. Be there for Wikipedia today. Donate today. |
0.04% |