Fundraising 2010/Messages/Language/sr
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- Предложени банери и коментари
Подржите слободно знање. Подржите Википедију.
Translation: Support free knowledge. Support Wikipedia.
Proposed by: Михајло Анђелковић. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Proposed by: Михајло Анђелковић. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Послато на: 2010-09-09
- Its fine, but maybe you can insert link to donate. Anton008 16:21, 16 October 2010 (UTC)
- I agree/Слажем се :) mickit 16:31, 16 October 2010 (UTC)
Знање је сада брзо, лако и бесплатно доступно...
Translation: Knowledge is now quickly, easily and freely available to everyone. Help us keep it that way.
Proposed by: micki. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Proposed by: micki. On scope? n/d. Tested? n/d. Income: n/d. Discarded: n/d.
Послато: 2010-10-14
- Super, puno bolje Anton008 16:43, 16 October 2010 (UTC)
- Why not. 本 Mihajlo [ talk ] 10:56, 18 October 2010 (UTC)