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This year's Fundraising Staff consists of a tech team, and community associates in charge of Wiki outreach, statistics, and communication.

Outreach Process


We have a dedicated outreach team working to reach out to local communities and Wikimedia projects in each language to make this year's fundraiser a community driven process. The Foundation’s message to our chapter volunteers: own the fundraiser. Tell us what’s going to work in Sweden, collaborate to make it the most effective and profitable fundraiser yet. Foundation staff are working to identify people who are willing to lead and organize discussions on their wikis and to engage on the Fundraising meta pages. It’s impossible for the handful of staff to know what’s going to work best on every wiki, so we strongly encourage local communities to get involved. Our goals are to translate, localize, and get the entire community involved in messaging and planning for this year's fundraiser.

If you'd like to help organize or get your community involved, contact a Community Associate for any additional support and start rallying!

Fundraising Staff


Fundraising & Community Outreach

Global Campaigns/Chapter Contact

Tech Team

Organizational Flowchart

