Fundraising 2011/Banners 2/cs
Pages for translation: [edit status] | |||||||||
Interface messages ![]() high priority Translated on Translatewiki. Get started. |
In progress | ||||||||
Banners and LPs (source) high priority |
Published | ||||||||
Banners 2 (source) high priority |
In progress | ||||||||
Jimmy Letter 002 (source) high priority |
Published | ||||||||
Jimmy Letter 003 (source) variation of Jimmy Letter 002 |
In progress | ||||||||
Jimmy Letter 004 (source) variation of Jimmy Letter 002 |
Missing | ||||||||
Jimmy Mail (source) variation of Jimmy Letter 002 |
Missing | ||||||||
Brandon Letter (source) | Published | ||||||||
Alan Letter (source) | Published | ||||||||
Kaldari Letter (source) | Missing | ||||||||
Karthik Letter (source) | Needs proofreading | ||||||||
Thank You Mail (source) | Published | ||||||||
Thank You Page (source) | In progress | ||||||||
Problems donating (source) | Missing | ||||||||
Recurring giving (source) | Missing | ||||||||
Sue Thank You (source) | Missing | ||||||||
FAQ (source) low priority |
Needs proofreading | ||||||||
Various requests: Mail to past donors · Jimmy quote | |||||||||
Outdated requests:
Translation instructions |
If you have any questions or feedback regarding the translation process, please post them here. Translation FAQ |
- Banners round two
- Kdyby každý, kdo si přečte tuto stránku, přispěl %AMOUNT%,
stačil by k vybrání dostatečné částky jediný den. - Přispějte prosím, aby Wikipedie zůstala bezplatná.
- Pomozte nám dosáhnout dnešní cíl v podobě %AMOUNT%!
- Nyní příjímáme %CURRENCY%.
- Přijímáme %CURRENCY%.
- Banners round three
- Pomozte nám dosáhnout cíle %AMOUNT% pro tento rok
- Help us raise this year's %AMOUNT% budget
- Our annual goal: %AMOUNT%
- Wikimedia's annual budget: %AMOUNT%
- Dnešní cíl: %AMOUNT%
- %AMOUNT% schází
- Banners round four
- Please read:
A personal appeal from
Wikipedia author Karthik Nadar - Please read:
A personal appeal from a
Wikipedia contributor of 18,000 edits
- LPs round two
- Od autora Wikipedie Karthika Nadara
- Od přispěvatele Wikipedie
- Where your donation goes 2
- Proč je váš příspěvek potřeba:
- Wikipedie je nezisková, ale je to 5. největší stránka na světě – slouží 470 miliónům lidí každý měsíc s miliardami zobrazení stránky.
- We work hard to keep our operation lean. Google might have close to a million servers. Yahoo má zhruba 13,000 zaměstnanců. My máme 679 serverů a 95 zaměstnanců.
- We will never run ads. Commerce is fine. Advertising is not evil. But it doesn't belong in Wikipedia.
- If everyone reading this made a small donation, we would only have to fundraise for a few hours. Not everyone can or will donate, but each year just enough people decide to give.
- We only raise what we need. When we've raised our budget, we stop fundraising for the year.
- Tento rok, prosím zvaž dotaci $5, $20, $50 nebo kolik můžeš pro ochranu a uchování Wikipedie.