Fundraising 2011/CountryTracking/Singapore


Basic info


Country Code: SG

Currency Codes: EUR - Euro

Language Codes:

  • de - German

Payment Options:

  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank Transfer

Best of

Best wikimedian Best wikimedian title Best wikimedian image Best wikimedian appeal Best donation options Best ask atring option Best payment options

Local only appeals

wikimedian wikimedian title wikimedian image wikimedian appeal donation options default option


Test Number Start Test End Test Control Variable Winner
1 2011-11-16 @ 06:30 UTC 2011-11-30 @ 00:00 UTC Payment methods (CC - PP) Payment methods (CC - PP - BT) BT
2 2011-11-24 @ 09:55 UTC 2011-11-29 @ 22:25 UTC Jimmy Green Brandon Green Brandon Green
3 2011-12-01 @ 19:10 UTC 2011-12-02 @ 22:50 UTC Brandon Green Brandon WeAccept ???????
4 2011-12-02 @ 23:10 UTC ??????? Brandon WeAccept Susan WeAccept ???????
5 2011-12-15 @ 19:00 UTC 2011-12-19 @ 16:30 UTC 10 20 50 75 100 150 300 10 20 50 100 200 300 500 ???????
6 2011-12-19 @ 17:30 UTC AlanAccept
7 2011-12-27 @ 23:20UTC Jimmy%AMOUNT%
8 2011-12-31 @ 18:25 UTC Thank you page fundraiser over [[]]
Test Number Detailed message
1 This test was designed to test the effect of adding a third payment option, bank transfer, to the existing options, credit card and Paypal.
2 This test was designed to test a Jimmy banner with a green background verses a Brandon banner with a green background.
3 This test was designed to test the effect of changing the message on the button from "Read Now" to "We now accept %CURRENCY%." where %CURRENCY% is the currency of the country.
4 Higher vs lower ask string
5 Testing AlanControl "B11_Donate_Alan_Accept"