Fundraising 2012/Translation/Metoder att bidra med

This page is a translated version of the page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Ways to give and the translation is 10% complete.

Kreditkort eller PayPal

To donate by PayPal please select a currency to proceed. You may also donate using funds from your PayPal account by arranging for a transfer to donate

For donations by credit card, eWallet, bank transfer, direct debit or internet banking, please select your continent followed by your country for payment methods available.

Välj din kontinent.

Monthly recurring giving

Please click here to make an automatic monthly donation.

Cancel or change recurring giving

We appreciate your contribution to the Wikimedia Foundation and supporting free knowledge.

We know that sometimes circumstances can change and it's not possible to continue a recurring contribution. To cancel or change your subscription please follow the instructions below:

  • You need to log into your PayPal account, go to your profile under "My Account", click "Account info" and then "Preapproved payments".
  • Follow the on-screen directions from that point on. You can find more information on PayPal.
  • Alternatively you can follow the credit card directions below. Please be advised however that we can only cancel PayPal donations and not change them.
  • Please email giving including what type of change you would like to make and as much information as you can about the original gift such as:
    • Email that was used for the donation receipt
    • Full name used
  • You will receive an email confirmation when the change is completed.

Non-profit status

The Wikimedia Foundation operates Wikipedia. It is a 501(c)(3) status non-profit organization with offices in San Francisco, California.

Your donations are tax-deductible in the United States. Our Employer Identification Number: 20-0049703

You can find detailed information about our programs and our financials in our list of Frequently Asked Questions

Via regular mail

Please make the check payable to "Wikimedia Foundation, Inc." Please do not send cash through the mail.
Our mailing address (for checks):

Stock donation

To move stock from your brokerage to ours, please give the broker our name, account number and our DTCC clearing number. When the transaction is complete, please email giving so we can verify the transaction.
If you require any assistance, please contact _____________

Direct deposit

The Wikimedia Foundation can accept money transfers to the following two accounts:
US Bank
Account numbers:
US Domestic Wires
European Union Bank
Account number:

Combined Federal Campaign

The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is on the United States 2011 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Charity List as a national/international independent organization. Our code is: 61478.

Corporate Matching Gift

Matching Gifts are a great, easy way to double or even triple your donation to the Wikimedia Foundation.
To learn more about matching gifts or our involvement in the Combined Federal Campaign, please click here .
If you have any further questions, please email matching


We have an account at Please send donations to donate

Payroll deductions

Some employers offer an easy and convenient way to give to the Wikimedia Foundation through a payroll deduction. Please check with your organization for availability and send any necessary paper work to: