Funds Dissemination Committee Advisory Group
FormationMeeting 1Meeting 2Meeting 3

Date and Location

  • June 9th and 10th
  • Wikimedia Foundation office, 149 New Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94105, USA


  • Help Sue solidify and finalize the recommendation she will send to the Board of Trustees by June 30th
  • Provide guidance on draft templates to accompany the recommendation to the Board
  • Review the Advisory Group's role reflecting on activities to date and future role
  • Develop a summary for the community about the Advisory Board discussions

Preparatory work (to be done by Advisory Group members)

  • Must-reads
  • Nice-to-reads (if you have time in order of priority)
  1. If there's one aspect of the current proposal that you think absolutely needs to be retained in the final version, what is it?
  2. If there's one aspect of the current proposal that you think needs to change before the proposal is finalized, what is that? (You might know, and say, what the change should be, or you could just point out something you see as a serious problem without having to provide a solution for it.)
  3. If there's one aspect of the current proposal that you find confusing or open to possible misinterpretation, what is it?
  • Bring one Wikimedia related item (a story, an article, a photo, etc.) to share in opening exercise

Friday Agenda

4:00 — Reception for Advisory Group members at the Wikimedia Foundation (optional)

Saturday Agenda


Note: Times are approximate

9:00- 9:30 — Breakfast
9:30-10:15 — Welcome, introductions, and discussion of day’s agenda
  • Introductions and ice breaker— each person to self-introduce and share their Wiki item with its story
  • Welcome from Ting
  • Review agenda for the meeting
  • Review role of the Advisory Group and discuss norms for the meeting
10:15-12:00 — Detailed walk through and discussion of the draft proposal (break around 10:45-11)
  • Bridgespan to highlight key elements of the proposal
  • Seek input on strong elements, concerns, and open questions (highest priority topics to be discussed during afternoon session)
12:00-1:30 — LUNCH BREAK
1:30-3:00 —Focused discussion on selected issues (from wiki and those identified during the morning discussion)
  • Bridgespan to identify core topics for discussion
  • Session will include some breakouts into small groups (each group appoint a facilitator and scribe)
  • Small groups report back to larger group
3:00-3:15 - BREAK
3:15-4:15 – Small group working session on key templates (application, staff report)
4:15-4:30 - Wrap-up of the day
4:30-6:00 - Free time
6:00 — Group dinner (Local Kitchen and Wine Merchant)

Sunday Agenda

8:30-9:00— Breakfast
9:00-10:15—Discuss next steps for the Advisory Group
  • Reflections on the role of the Advisory Group to date
  • Provide input on Advisory Group’s role in FDC assessment and continuous improvement
10:15-10:30— BREAK
10:30-11:30— Prepare summary on Etherpad
  • Develop summary of the weekend’s discussion (to accompany the meeting minutes)
11:30-12:00 - Wrap-up and parting thoughts
12:00—LUNCH and departure
  • Available on site

