GLAM-on-Tour/Château de Chillon 2024/Worklist

The objective of this GLAM on TOUR is to update the history of witch trials in the French speaking part of Switzerland especially in Canton de Vaud, where most of the witches were killed (approx 2000). We hope to generate further interest in other regions to replicate this event, but please stay focused on the regional scope.

Wikiwitches 2024 Chillon

Submit the subject you are working on here :

Example for Wikidata ː

Alexander Hammiltoun

Trial of Alexander Hammiltoun ː



Many of the following articles are missing in German and English, as well as in Italian.

Picture Article Description en de fr it es pt ru cz hr Σ
Wikidata st.
1 Michée Chauderon (1602-1652) alleged witch executed in Geneva + + + - + - - - - 4 Q6838025 23 +
Jeanne Brolliet (?) executed for witchcraft in Geneva + - + - + - - - - 3 Q51676404 12 +
3 Catherine Quicquat (?) French woman executed for witchcraft in Vevey + + + - + - - - - 4 Q51574049 13
Jaquette de Clause (?) one of the first women tried in the witchcraft trials of Pays de Vaud; judgement in this case not documented - - + - - - - - - 1 Q113838761 5 +
Catherine Repond (1663-1731) Swiss woman executed for witchcraft in Fribourg + + + + - + - - - 5 Q118984 16 +
6 Pierre de Torrenté (?) condemened as witch in Wallis - - + - - - - - - 1 Q50829010 15
7 Pierre d’Aulnay (?) inquisitor from Lausanne - - - - - - - - - 0 Q126182944 7
8 Ponce Feugeyron (?) franciscan inquisitor - - - - - - - - - 0 Q123362390 6
9 Ulrich de Torrenté (unknown value-unknown value) inquisitor and witch chaser - + + - - - - - - 2 Q11837368 11
10 Claude Tholosan (?) juge of the King of France - - - - - - - - - 0 Q123362361 6
11 Georg von Saluzzo (unknown value-1461) Roman Catholic bishop (?-1461) - + + + - - - - - 3 Q1506680 12 +
12 Valais witch trials 1428-1434/6 witch hunt and trials in Valais, Switzerland + - + - + - + - - 4 Q4382293 9 +
13 Fribourg Witch Trials   - + + - - - - - - 2 Q104670323 8
14 Witch Trials in Vaud - + + - - - - - - 2 Q86662406 7
Walter Supersaxo (1402-1482) (1402-1482) - + + - - - - - - 2 Q53775137 16 +
16 Errores Gazariorum medieval manuscript - + + - - - - - - 2 Q65123210 4
17 Super Illius Specula Papal Decretal - - + - - + - - - 2 Q56343744 5
18 Vox in Rama papal decretal sent by Gregory IX in June 1233, condemning the heresy of Luciferianism said to be rife in Germany + + + + - + - - - 5 Q1511645 11
Σ → Autolist→ map gallery 6 10 15 3 4 3 1 0 0 42 avg: 2\5\26% 186  

Trial in Vevey, Tour-de-Peilz, 1448


The trials were led by Pierre d'Aulay inquisitor (the vice-inquisitor Henri Chouvet) in collaboration with the bischopf's vicaire Leopard de Bosco

  • Jaquet Durier
  • Catherine Quicquat, brûlée, condamnée au bûcher
  • Pierre Munier
  • Sybille, spouse of Jacques Gonra, burned at the stake on April, 1rst 1441

Trial, Riviera Lémanique, 1480

  • Claude Bochet from Blonay, 1479 at Chateau d'Ouchy
  • Jean Poesioux, from Clarens, 17 april 1480
  • Jeannette Barattier from Brent, 6 september 1480
  • Antoine from Vernex 17 april 1482, chateau d'Oron
  • Jaquet from Panissière, 26 aout 1477
  • Jordana from Baulmes de Corsier, 9 sept 1477
  • Jean Gallot from Corsier, 1483

Procès dans le diocèse de Genève


Stub needing wikilove to be published :



A special attention needs to be devoted to wikidata for witches prosecuted in Vaud : many are missing.If some people are familiar with Open Refine we can do a mass upload.

List of people mentionned in Trente ans avec le diable

  • p392 Rolet Agnesat - Jeanette Astery -
  • p393 Aycardis de Anthonius - Baptista de Aycardis - Guillemette Bacellyn
  • p394 Jean Bacellyn - Jeanette Barattier - Jean Barattier - Claudia Barichet
  • p395 Pierre Barichet - Jean Blanchet - Pierre Blecheret p395
  • p396 Georges 1er de Blonay - Claude Bochet
  • p397 Collette Bondet - Jean Bondet - Jean Borable - Girard Bosson
  • p398 Jean Boyt - Jean Brase - Georges Brunet - Guillaume Cardinal - Rolet Catellaz p398
  • p399 Jean Chapens - Guillaume Chanron - Jaquet Charpit
  • p400 Jeanette Charrotona - Richard Chassot - Jean Chivalleri - Jean Chollet -Nicod Cochard
  • p 401 Jeannet Colin - Jean Colin
  • p 402 Girard Contoz - Corectaz - Claude de Costel - De Cresto - Jean Cuenet
  • p 403 Pierre Cuenet - Guillaume Daniélis - Antoine Dornier Jean Doges - Claude Dou Pra - Pierre Douz Fort



If some people have skills to read medieval transcripts we have some to put on Wikisource

Wikimedia Commons
