General User Survey/Questionnaire

Proposal for General User Survey Questionnaire

See also General User Survey

Purpose of this survey is to ask a limited set of very broad questions that would serve an an indicator for the 'state of the wiki' (to borrow a term from User:Eloquence). It will cover all Wikimedia projects and diverse aspects. The survey will be held for a limited time and (hopefully) be available in multiple languages, and (hopefully) be advertised widely on Wikimedia projects. As much as possible questions are asked in a way that yields countable results, so that stats can be derived from it.



General User Survey/Questionnaire_template

General User Survey Questionnaire (work in progress)
Thank you for taking the time to help us gather information useful to improving our wiki communities. This questionnaire, designed by members of Wikimedia Community with support from Wikimedia Research Network is attempting to gather individual assessments of various aspects of how well our communities are functioning and the quality of their associated projects.

If you would like to offer suggestions on how to improve the survey, please go to Talk:General User Survey/Questionnaire.

Please note that specific suggestions for improvement of Wikimedia Projects should be made via other existing mechanisms such as the mailing lists, forums, help desks or FAQs as these details may be lost in summarizing the data gathered in forms useful to specific research interests.

Reference and links to all applicable data management and control policys/guidelines are needed here.

  • How is data audited and certified so researchers and public are not scammed/cracked?
  • Policies on data submitted by self alleged minors regarding parental/guardian advisments and permissions.

If you prefer you can leave any question unanswered. Please submit the information you feel comfortable with providing, it will be useful in the aggregate data summaries.

To start editing this questionnaire, please click here or click on edit buttons to the right of every section to edit that section only.


QUESTION U1:I rate the wikimedia editing process:
Very simple [1] ..... Very difficult [7] (RBS7)
QUESTION U2:I would favour more editing power and flexibility even at the cost of a more extended syntax
(e.g. new tags for extensions, new atributes for layout)
Very much not true [1] .... Very true [7] (RBS7)
QUESTION U3:I rate the wikimedia facilities for navigation and information gathering:
Very unsatisfactory [1] ..... Very satisfactory [7] (RBS7)
ANSWER U3: Please replace this instruction with a number from 1 to 7 to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.
QUESTION U4:I rate the wikimedia facilities for monitoring article changes:
Very unsatisfactory [1] ..... Very satisfactory [7] (RBS7)
ANSWER U4: Please replace this instruction with a number from 1 to 7 to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.


Your opinion on the following questions may vary per Wikimedia project, please give a weighted answer based on which projects you are most involved in
(you can elaborate on the discussion page/in the comments box)
QUESTION CM1:In general I rate the Wikimedia community:
Very uncooperative [1] ..... Very cooperative [7] (RBS7)
Compared to a year ago cooperation of the Wikimedia community is:
Much worse [1] ..... Much better [7] (RBS7)
ANSWER CM1: Please replace this instruction with a number from 1 to 7 to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.
QUESTION CM2:In general I do find the decision making processes on Wikimedia:
Very unsatisfactory [1] ..... Very satisfactory [7] (RBS7)
Compared to a year ago decision making processes on Wikimedia are:
Much worse [1] ..... Much better [7] (RBS7)
ANSWER CM2: Please replace this instruction with a number from 1 to 7 to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.

Project awareness

QUESTION PA1:In general I find it ... to stay informed on major Mediawiki developments of all kinds
Very difficult [1] ..... Very easy [7] (RBS7)
Compared to a year ago it is now ... to stay informed about major developments:
Much more difficult [1] ..... Much easier [7] (RBS7)
ANSWER PA1: Please replace this instruction with a number from 1 to 7 to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.


Your opinion on the following questions may vary per Wikimedia project, please give a weighted answer based on which projects you are most involved in
(you can elaborate on the discussion page/in the comments box)
QUESTION CN1:In general I rate the content of Wikimedia projects that I am involved in:
Very untrustworthy [1] ..... Very trustworthy [7] (RBS7)
Compared to a year ago this situation is:
Much worse [1] ..... Much better [7] (RBS7)
ANSWER CN1: Please replace this instruction with a number from 1 to 7 to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.
QUESTION CN2:In general I rate the content of Wikimedia projects that I am involved in:
Very incomplete [1] ..... Very complete [7] (RBS7)
Compared to a year ago this situation is:
Much worse [1] ..... Much better [7] (RBS7)
ANSWER CN2: Please replace this instruction with a number from 1 to 7 to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.


QUESTION CF1:I have experienced a conflict in the last year Y/N
ANSWER CF1: Please replace this instruction with a letter Y=YES or N=NO to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.
QUESTION CF2:I have found the process to resolve this conflict to be:
Very straightforward [1] ..... Very complicated [7] (RBS7)
Compared to last year, this was
Much worse [1] ..... Much better [7] (RBS7)
ANSWER CF2: Please replace this instruction with a number from 1 to 7 to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.
QUESTION CF3:I have found others to be: Very helpful [1] ..... Very unhelpful [7] (RBS7) in resolving this/these conflict(s).
Compared to last year, this was
Much worse [1] ..... Much better [7] (RBS7)
ANSWER CF3: Please replace this instruction with a number from 1 to 7 to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.
QUESTION CF4:I am: Very satisfied [1] ..... Very unsatisfied [7] (RBS7) with the outcome of the conflict
ANSWER CF4: Please replace this instruction with a number from 1 to 7 to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.


QUESTION I1:I do not consider myself an active contributor to any Wikimedia project (please use NONE as the anwer) (CB)
The Wikimedia projects to which I contribute most are
You can indicate how much of your Wikimedia editing time you spend on each project
1 Project... (SL: 'Wikipedia' 'Wiktionary' 'Wikinews' etc) - Language... (SL: all language codes + 'not applicable') Time spent (EB) %
2 (same as above)
3 (same as above)
ANSWER I1: to do...
QUESTION I2:I have contributed regularly to Wikimedia projects for X months
ANSWER I1: Please replace this instruction with a number of months to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.
QUESTION I3:On average I contribute ... (SL: 'over 100 edits per week' (100) '10 - 100 edits per week' (10) '1-10 edits per week' (1))
ANSWER I3: Please replace this instruction with a number 100, 10 or 1 to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.

Demographic data

QUESTION D1:My country of residence is ... (SL)
ANSWER D1: Please replace this instruction with your country code from Wikipedia:List of international license plate codes.
QUESTION D1:My age is ... (EB)
ANSWER D2: Please replace this instruction with a number indicating your age to indicate your answer as defined by the key above.
QUESTION D3:I am male (M) (RB) female (F) (RB)
ANSWER D3: Please replace this instruction with a letter M or F as defined by the key above.
QUESTION D4:My education level is .. (SL). see note 1
ANSWER D4: to do Work

Note 1: this is a bit tricky: how to define education levels that are standardized for cross culture differences in nomenclature (e.g. US high school is not equal to European secondary school) Maybe just ask years of full time education?

Note 2: A low tech version of the questionaire was proposed, based on templates and substitution, see [1].


  • (CB) - html CheckBox
  • (EB) - html EditBox (allowing free format check, though input may be validated
  • (SL) - html SelectionList (selection list with predefined values)
  • (RB) - html RadioButton
  • (RBS7) - html RadioButtonSet with values 1-7 + extra 'no opinion' (default)

Free format comments


It should be possible to add comments to every opinion asked This could be implemented by:

  • A free format text box below each question. Answers would be stored in a database. Previous comments can be browsed per question. A full list of these comments will be published after the survey is finished.
Pro: People can add anonymous comments
Con: Less wiki like
  • A link to a talk page is presented next to each question, one meta page per survey question (or survey subsection)
Pro: people can view and react to responses immediately