Outdated translations are marked like this.
As últimas novidades da equipe de Colaboração da Wikimedia, sobre Notificações, Flow e Melhorias à Revisão de Edições. Informe outros usuários sobre as seguintes mudanças. Nem todas afetarão você.
O que há de novo?
We have focused all our efforts on the New filters for edit review. You will discover these filters on your wiki soon (see below).
Melhorias à Revisão de Edições [Mais informações • Páginas de ajuda]
Mudanças recentes
The documentation concerning the new filters for recent changes has been written and marked for translation.
Mudanças futuras
- We will release the ⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽ beta option on Portuguese and Polish Wikipedias March 28. This beta option adds powerful filtering and other tools as well as an improved filtering interface to the Recent Changes page (and Recent Changes Linked). To try out these new tools on these two wikis, go to the Beta tab of the Preferences page (after the 28th) and select ⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽.
- In the weeks following the initial release to Polish and Portuguese Wikipedias, the New Filters for Edit Review beta will go out to the following list of Wikipedias in waves (schedule to be done):
Flow [Mais informações • Páginas de ajuda]
Mudanças recentes
shortcuts are now working on Flow visual editing mode. Type a shortcut in the visual editing mode will open the control panel for the chosen option. [4]- Concerning
, footnotes will be automatically included at the end of the message, unless if they are displayed elsewhere in the message by the appropriate template.
- Concerning
- Flow has been removed from Metawiki. [5]
Mudanças futuras
- The way you switch between wikitext and the visual editors in the desktop view has changed. It will be a drop-down menu. This is the same as in the mobile view. [6]
Boletim da equipe de Colaboração preparado pela equipe de Colaboração e publicado por um robô • Fornecer comentários • Gerenciar assinatura.