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The team

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Alliantias strategic

Con iste typos potential de nove alliantias, nos essera melio positionate pro realisar nostre mission de expander le portata de Wikimedia in le Sud global. Le communitates local essera crucial pro le successo de iste nove initiativas e nos spera travaliar con illos pro promover nostre mission. Iste effortios necessita etiam un labor multifunctional inter le equipas del Fundation Wikimedia, specificamente con Communicationes, Participation Communitari e Producto, pro amplificar le resultatos positive de iste effortios. Nos va pilotar multes de iste initiativas e gerer nostre ressources e expectationes in consequentia.

As part of our strategy, our team has a series of ongoing partnership pilots, conversations, and projects in our regions. All of this work is supported by our Senior Product Manager. Read more about what are we working on, some of our future plans and ideas, and overall what's keeping us busy!

Africa and the Middle East

Ongoing work

Asia and Eastern Europe

Ongoing work

Latin America and the Caribbean

Ongoing work

Product & Research

Ongoing work

Check our Announcements section for updated announcements and recent news!

Check our News, Media, and Blog section to read more about coverage and blog posts related to our team's work.

How to contact us


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About Wikipedia Zero

The Wikimedia Foundation created Wikipedia Zero in 2012 to address one barrier to participating in Wikipedia: high mobile phone data costs. To do this, we partnered with mobile operators, which in turn, waived data costs for access to Wikipedia. Throughout the program’s six year tenure, we partnered with a total of 97 mobile operators in 72 countries, providing over 800 million people with access to Wikipedia and its sister projects free of mobile data charges.

Wikipedia Zero program discontinuation

As of February 2018, the Wikipedia Zero program has been discontinued. For more information, please see this announcement on the Wikimedia blog: Building for the future of Wikimedia with a new approach to partnerships

Operating principles

When encouraging carriers to participate in the Wikipedia Zero initiative, we maintain our commitment to our Operating Principles, to structure the program in alignment with Wikimedia's mission. You can also read our Template agreement (in English).

Learn more

Our partners

Throughout the program’s six year tenure, we partnered with a total of 97 mobile operators in 72 countries, providing over 800 million people with access to Wikipedia free of mobile data charges.

Meet our partners

Blog Posts

Since launching Wikipedia Zero in 2012, we have published many blog posts regarding our work. These posts include information about our operating principles, mission, reach, and policy-related matters surrounding the program.

Read our posts


Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about Wikipedia Zero. If your question is not answered there, please let us know! We are happy to provide more information.

Read our FAQ