This page is a translated version of the page Global locks and the translation is 72% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


  • 要报告应全域锁定的用户(或被错误锁定的用户),请前往Steward requests/Global
  • 如果您被全域锁定(由于基金会行动或账户被盗以外的原因),您可向邮箱stewards@wikimedia.org申诉


Global locks are implemented by stewards at their discretion. Global locks are globally-set actions that lock a user out of their account and do not permit local projects to place exemptions. These are preferred over global blocks in cases where:


  • the likelihood of a successful appeal is low given the severity of abuse, and stewards would be best suited to handle the appeal and evaluate the risk of the user's return to Wikimedia project, and
  • when the user should be locked out of their account, such as due to account compromise or if the user has become deceased.

The following list identifies common reasons for global locks:

  • 纯破坏用户,在多个维基计划进行破坏或者以其他明显的方式破坏多个维基。申请全域锁定时,请给出用户的封禁历史,或者他在其他项目被封禁的明显证据,并表示该账号依然在活动。
  • 僅在维基媒体的维基上發布垃圾內容的帐户。
  • 不适当的用户名也可被锁定,而且记录也可以被隐藏。
  • 违反其他原则,在多个维基无限期封禁。例如多次诉诸法律威胁、发布儿童色情内容,或者张贴他人隐私信息等。
  • 若怀疑某账户被盗用,全域锁定可用作保护账户安全的方法,直到能与账户拥有者取得联系。
  • 全域禁制的账号(社区或者基金会)。
  • 为躲避全域或基金会禁制而创建的傀儡。
  • 帐户的持有者已去世。
  • 屬於前維基媒體基金會職員或承包商的帳戶 (由WMF職員完成)。
  • 消失的账户。



有时监管员锁定的原因是“Compromised account(遭入侵的帳戶)”。如果您的账户是因此而被锁定的,请联络ca wikimedia org

  1. This is stated from a technical perspective. Per Stewards policy stewards would not impose locks against local community consensus, and if local sysops think an exemption is needed, they can contact stewards to revise the global lock.