This page is a translated version of the page Global rollback and the translation is 9% complete.

This page outlines the standards and guidelines related to the use of the global rollback right and other user rights assigned to the "global rollbackers" global user group.

Global rollback is a user group assigned by stewards to trusted users which lets them easily roll back edits that are blatantly counterproductive, such as vandalism and nonsense, on all Wikimedia wikis .

For consideration, users must be demonstrably active in cross-wiki counter-vandalism or anti-spam activities (for example, as active members of the Iwwerwaachungsequipe fir kleng Wikien ) and make heavy use of revert on many wikis. They may request access on Steward requests/Global permissions, providing evidence of this.

Global rollbackers who have not contributed to any Wikimedia project for the past 2 years should have their global rollback rights removed for inactivity.


The use of rollback, and other bundled permissions for this group, are primarily governed by local policies where existing.

Global rollbackers are expected to be familiar and compliant with local policies where existing. In accordance with the global rights policy, any abuse of a global user right will result in the immediate removal of that right.

Generally, the rollback feature reverts the latest changes from a user to a particular page in one click. This tool exists primarily to simplify the reversion of malicious edits. Although it can theoretically be used to revert any change, it is often aggravating to the affected user if it is used to roll back a legitimate change. Users should avoid rolling back legitimate or questionable edits if at all possible, and the rollback feature should never be used in a revert war.


Userrights currently assigned to the global-rollbacker global group
N Right Description Notes
1 abusefilter-log Lëscht vum Mëssbrauch weisen normally part of the autoconfirmed usergroup
2 autoconfirmed Net betraff vun IP-baséierten Zäitlimiten
3 editsemiprotected Säiten änneren, déi als „Allow only autoconfirmed users“ gespaart sinn
4 ipinfo Abrufen von Informationen über IP-Adressen, die mit Versionen oder Logbüchern verbunden sind
5 move Säite réckelen
6 movestable Publizéiert Säite réckelen
7 skipcaptcha Aktiounen déi eng Captcha-Aktioun verlaangen ausféieren, ouni dës maachen ze mussen
8 abusefilter-log-detail Detailléiert Versioun vum Mëssbrauchslog weisen governed by local policies where they exist, otherwise part of the sysop usergroup
9 autopatrol Déi eegen Ännerungen automatesch als nogekuckt markéieren
10 autoreviewrestore Automatesch nokucke beim Zrécksetzen
11 checkuser-temporary-account Anzeigen von IP-Adressen, die von temporären Konten verwendet werden
12 oathauth-enable Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivieren
13 patrolmarks Markéierung "nogekuckt" an de rezenten Ännerunge weisen
14 rollback Ännerunge vum läschte Benotzer vun enger spezieller Säit séier z'récksetzen (rollback)
15 suppressredirect Keng Viruleedung vum alen Numm aus uleeë wann eng Säit geréckelt gëtt
16 markbotedits Annuléiert Ännerungen als Botännerunge weisen normally part of the sysop and bot usergroups
17 noratelimit Net limitéiert duerch Zäitlimitatiounen um Server

Local policies

Users with global rollback

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